One of the best places available for rent in the Parque Lisboa area, in Alcorcón.
The premises have 274 m2 on the floor. It is distributed in: entrance hall with reception, 2 bathrooms, machine room, large waiting room and main office. Distributor corridor where we find, a cabinet with nitrous oxide and oxygen installation, which distributes through ducts in the false ceilings, to the 6 available cabinets. X-ray room, with lead coating, a changing room with toilet, sterilization room with access to a large warehouse and complete changing room with shower tray. It has 6 rooms, all equipped with hot/cold split, furniture and facilities necessary for the activity. All rooms have ducted air conditioning and LED lighting. She currently works as a dental clinic. You also have the possibility of setting up other types of businesses. Surrounded by large and small shops, banks, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies. Direct bus stop to Madrid and Parque Lisboa L12 metro station 280 meters away.