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Retail / Segovia Province /

Retail spaces for rent in Villacastín


1 shop for rent in Villacastín

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1 retail spaces for rent in Villacastín, Segovia Province

There are 1 retail space for rent in Villacastín, which is in 1 shopping center. The total retail space for rent in Villacastín is 1,150 sqm.

The average price of retail spaces for rent is €1,400 per month, €1.22 per square metre per month.

In terms of star ratings, there are 1 retail space available for rent with 2 stars.

The most common amenities of retail spaces found in Villacastín are smoke extractor, business for sale, security systems, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchen, counter, warehouse and bathrooms.

Search retail spaces for rent in Villacastín, Segovia, we have 1 retail spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market in Villacastín

What is the average price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The average price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín is €1,400 per month

What is the lowest price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The lowest price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín is €1,400 per month

What is the highest price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The highest price of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín is €1,400 per month

What is the average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent is €1.22 per month

What is the lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent is €1.22 per month

What is the highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent in Villacastín?

The highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent is €1.22 per month