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Retail spaces for sale in Toledo Province in a shopping center


64 shops for sale in Toledo Province

  • Calle Cruces, 32 Fuensalida Toledo 45510 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Cruces, 32, Fuensalida, Toledo, 45510 with ladder, wood, floor, flooring, ceiling, machine, building, hardwood, fixture and room around
    3 months ago
    32 m2
    Floor Ground
    24,900 €
    778 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale in a shopping center
    • Local in shopping arcade
    • Ideal for greengrocers, haberdashery or other businesses
    • High pedestrian influx

    Commercial premises in the Commercial Gallery San Juan, located in Fuensalida in the province of Toledo.

    High pedestrian traffic nearby thanks to the high number of shops both in the gallery and close to it.

    The place has 32 m2, is totally diaphanous, has a large showcase, stoneware floor and high ceilings (3.2 meters).

    The last activity carried out in the premises was a haberdashery. The space is ideal for all kinds of activities: butcher, fishmonger, greetery, haberdashery, among other busine

    • Security locks
    • High ceilings
    • Earthenware
    • Showcase
  • Paseo Canaleja La Torre de Esteban Hambrán Toledo 45920 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Paseo Canaleja, La Torre de Esteban Hambrán, Toledo, 45920 with sky, cloud, fixture, asphalt, composite material, facade, road, concrete, road surface and gas around
    3 months ago
    180 m2
    39,990 €
    222 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale in a shopping center
    • Local with multiple deployment options
    • Lots of interior light
    • Large multi-purpose patio

    Large commercial space on a plot of 450 m2 located a few meters from the park and the bullring.

    His last activity has been as a bar-restaurant, so he can set up a hospitality business.

    It needs a reform to prepare it for any type of business and it could even be transformed into a home.

    It has a built area of 180 m2 of which 170 m2 are useful.

    Despite being close to the center, being on a very wide road it is very easy to park in front of the premises.

    It is ideal for both investors and entrepre

    • Toilets
    • Warehouse
    • High ceilings
    • Bus stop
    • Court yard
    • Natural Light - Good
  • Paseo Federico Garcia Lorca Toledo 45007 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Paseo Federico Garcia Lorca, Toledo, 45007 with container, light fixture, picture frame, building, lighting, flooring, wood, ceiling, city and track lighting around
    3 months ago
    100 m2
    Floor Ground
    240,000 €
    2,400 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale in a shopping center
    • Conditioned as a bar
    • Good communication by public transport
    • In a consolidated residential area

    Commercial space with a total area of 100 m2 and equipped as a bar.

    The place, in good condition and in operation, has two rooms that offer versatility for different configurations and uses.

    It has two bathrooms, one of them adapted for people with reduced mobility, ensuring accessibility to all customers.

    The mezzanine adds a distinctive and functional touch to the space.

    This place has a Bar-Restaurant license, which means you are ready to enter and start operating immediately.

    In addition, it

    • Toilets
    • Full equiped Kitchen
    • Bar
    • Facade lineal meters
    • On the street
    • Terrace
    • Bus stop
    • Air Conditioning
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Public Transportation
    • Renovated
  • Calle Castilla La Mancha, 30 Mocejón Toledo 45270 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale & for rent at Calle Castilla La Mancha, 30, Mocejón, Toledo, 45270 with window, building, house, sky, property, plant, neighbourhood, residential area, real estate and facade around 3 months ago
    640 m2
    Price upon request
    Retail unit for sale in a shopping center
    • Opportunity to continue hotel activity immediately
    • Available equipment
    • Good condition

    Available for sale and rent complete building with bar restaurant activity on the ground floor and the rest as a hostel.

    There is the possibility of buying it whole or renting everything except the restaurant as it is currently rented.

    It is distributed over 4 floors:

    - Ground floor with bar and cafeteria

    - Semi basement with restaurant dining activity.

    - First floor with hostel activity.

    - Second floor with hostel activity.

    The hostel has 16 rooms with air conditioning with hot and cold pump a

    • Smoke extractor
    • Toilets
    • Warehouse
    • Full equiped Kitchen
    • Bar
    • Stairs
    • At several heights
    • Hot/cold air conditioning
    • Natural Light - Good
Showing 41 - 44 of 44 results - Page 2 of 2

Toledo Province

Toledo Province

Prices and m2 available of retail for sale in Toledo Province

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Toledo Province1306602,40035,590

Cultural wealth

The province of Toledo, which is part of the region of Castile La Mancha, covers a surface of 13,368 km² over a prairie of about 590 m.a.s.l. of mean altitude.

It borders to the north with Ávila and Madrid, to the east with Cuenca, to the south with Ciudad Real, to the southwest with Badajoz and to the west with Cáceres.

In 1986, the historical centre of the city of Toledo was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Cultural wealth

Discover Toledo Province

Illescas Town Hall
Illescas Town Hall
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Estrella
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Estrella
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church
Windmills – Consuegra, province of Toledo
Windmills – Consuegra, province of Toledo
Toledo Cityscape
Toledo Cityscape
Nuestra Señora de la Caridad Sanctuary, Illescas
Nuestra Señora de la Caridad Sanctuary, Illescas

Information about Toledo Province

Origins of Toledo Province

Toledo is located on a steep rock surrounded by the River Tagus, so it has a strategic defensive position that has favoured its occupation since the prehistory.

The first settlements date back to the Bronze Age and were located on Cerro del Bú, turning into a Carpetanian fortress since it was a transit point.

In 192 B.C. it was conquered by the Roman Empire and given the name Toletum. Afterwards, in the 5th century the Visigoths occupied the city, turning it into the capital and spreading their kingdom across the whole Iberian Peninsula.

In the 9th century it became the important Taifa Kingdom until 1085, and with the arrival of Alfonso VI in the city, it became Christian. Christians integrated the city in the Kingdom of Castile, turning it into the capital. At that time, a mixture of three cultures (Jewish, Muslim and Christian) was created.

From the 14th century onwards, multicultural tolerance started to gradually disappear, with the high point being the creation by Spain’s Catholic Monarchs of the Court of the Inquisition in 1485 and the Decree for the Expulsion of Jews in 1492.

In the 16th century, after the Revolt of Communities, the Emperor Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany turned the city into the centre of his empire. In 1561, the King Felipe II decided to transfer the court and the capital to Madrid, so the city lost a great deal of the political and social relevance it had enjoyed. Toledo turned into an almost exclusively conventual city and the religious orders were established in old palaces that were empty after the court was transferred to the new capital. Now, Toledo is the capital of the region of Castile La Mancha.

Municipalities in Toledo Province

The province of Toledo is territorially arranged in 204 townships:

Ajofrín, Alameda de la Sagra, Albarreal de Tajo, Alcabón, Alcañizo, Alcaudete de la Jara, Alcolea de Tajo, Alcolea de Tajo, Aldeanueva de Barbarroya, Almonacid de Toledo, Amorox, Añoja Tajo, Arcicóllar, Arges, Azutan, Barcience, Bargas, Belvis de la Jara, Borox, Buenaventura, Burujón, Cabins de la Sagra, Cabins de Yepes, Cabezamesada, Calera y huzas, Caleruela, La Calzada de Oropesa, Camarena, Camarenilla, El Campillo de la Jara, Camuñas, Cardiel de los Montes, Carmena, El Carpio de Tajo, Carranque, Carriches, El Casar de Escalona, Casarrubios del Monte, Casasbuenas, Bayuela Castle, Hunting, Onion, Cedillo del Condado, Los Cerralbos, Cervera de los Montes, Canales, Chueca, Plums, Cobisa, Consuegra, Corral de Almaguer, Cuerva, Two Barrios, Erustes, Esquiviona, Steplona, Steps, Steps, Esquivio, Esquiviilla, Esquiviilla, Esquiviilla, Esquiviilla, Esquiviilla La Estrella, Fuensalida, Galvez, Garciotum, Gerindote, Guadamur, La Guardia, Las Herencias, Herreruela de Oropesa, Finojosa de San Vicente, Hontanar, Hormigos, Hollows, Valdecarábanos Garden, La Iglesia, Cow Illán, Lillo, Lominchar, Lucillos, Madridejos, Magan, Malan, Malan, Malan of Tajo, Manzaneque, Maqueda, Marjaliza, Marrupe, Mascaraque, La Mata, Mazarambroz, Mejorada, Menasalbas, Mentrida, Tajo Mesegar, Miguel Esteban, Mocejón, Mohedas de la Jara, Montearagon, Montesclaros, Mora, Nambroca, La Nava de Ricomalillo, Navahermosa, Navalmoralejo, Los Navalmorales, Los Navalucillos, Navalucillos, Navalucillos, Navalucillos, Navamorcuende Navamorcuende, Noblejas, Noez, Nombela, Novés, Numancia de la Sagra, Nuño Gomez, Ocaña, Olías del Rey, Ontigola, Orgaz, Oropesa, Otero, Palomeque, Pantoja, Escalona Walls, Grills, Pelahustan, Cucumber, Polan, Toledo Portillo, Puebla de Montalban, Pueblanueva, Archbishop's Bridge, Port of San Vicente, Pulgar, Quero, Quintanar de la Orden, Quismonar, Quismonar, Quismonar El Real de San Vicente, Recas, Bretamoso de la Jara, Rielves, Robledo del Mazo, El Romeral, San Bartolome de las Abiertas, San Martin de Montalban, San Martin de Pusa, San Pablo de los Montes, San Ana de los Montes, Santa Ana de Pusa, Santa Cruz de la Zarza, Santa Cruz del Retamar, Santa Olalla, Santo Domingo-Caudilla, Sartajada, Segurilla, Seseña, Sevilleja Sonseca, Sotillo de las Palomas, Talavera de la Reina, Tremmeque, El Toboso, Toledo, Torralba de Oropesa, La Torre de Esteban Fambrán, Torrecilla de la Jara, Torrico, Torrijos, Totanés, Turleque, Ugena, Urda, Valdeverdeja, Valmojado, Sales with Peña Aguilera, Sales of San Julián, The Villa of Don Fadrique, Villacañas, Villafranca de los Gentlemen, Villaluenga de la Sagra, Villamiel de Toledo, Villaminaya, Villamuelas, Villanueva de Alcardete, Villanueva de Bogas, Villarejo de Montalbán, Villarrubia de Santiago, Villaseca de la Sagra, Villatobas, El Viso de San Juan, Los Yebenes, Yébenes, Yepes, Yepes, Yepes, Yepes, Yepes, Yepes, Yuncler, Yunclillos, Yuncs.

Culture in Toledo Province

The province of Toledo has many castles. These are some of them:

  • San Servando Castle
  • Muela de Consuegra Castle
  • Guadamur Castle
  • Polán Castle
  • Montalbán Castle
  • Barcience Castle
  • Escalona Castle
  • Maqueda Castle
  • Oropesa Castle
  • San Silvestre de Novés Castle-Palace
  • Almonacid de Toledo Castle
  • Peñas Negras Castle
  • Manzaneque Castle
  • Guadalerzas Castle
  • Orgaz Castle
  • Puñoenrostro de Seseña Castle
Museums in Toledo Province
  • El Greco Museum and House
  • Sephardic Museum
  • Santa Cruz Museum
  • Toledo Cathedral
  • Tapestry and Textile Museum of the Toledo Cathedral
  • Cristo de la Luz Mosque
  • Santa María la Blanca Synagogue
  • Santo Tomé Church
  • Visigothic Councils and Culture Museum
  • Military Museum
  • Santa María de Melque Museum – San Martín de Montalbán
  • Jacinto Guerrero Museum – Ajofrín
  • Visigothic Art Museum – Arisgotas-Orgaz
  • Ethnological Museum – Belvís de la Jara
  • Cervantes House Museum – Esquivias
  • Guarrazar Treasure Interpretation Centre – Guadamur
  • Museum of Customs and Popular Arts of the Mountains of Toledo – Guadamur
  • Ethnological Museum – Herreruela de Oropesa
  • Nuestra Señora de la Caridad Hospital – Illescas
  • Marcial Moreno Pascual Museum – Lagartera
  • Ethnological Museum – Menasalbas
  • Ciudad de Vascos Interpretation Centre – Navalmoralejo
  • Porticum Salutis Museum – Ocaña
  • Padre Santos Archaeology Museum – Ocaña
  • Museum of art with recycled materials – La Pueblanueva
  • Ceramics Interpretation Centre – El Puente del Arzobispo
  • La Celestina – La Puebla de Montalbán
  • Juan Antonio García Motorbike Museum – La Puebla de Montalbán
  • "El Canchar” Etnography Museum – Santa Ana de Pusa
  • Ruiz de Luna Ceramics Museum – Talavera de la Reina
  • Etnography Museum – Talavera de la Reina
  • Dulcinea House Museum – El Toboso
  • Cervantes Museum – El Toboso
  • Dulcinea Graphic Humour Exhibition – El Toboso
  • Trinitarian Museum – El Toboso
  • Guerrero Malagón – Urda
  • Ethnography Museum – Valmojado
  • Tía Sandalia Museum – Villacañas
  • Ethnography Museum – Villascañas
  • Natural Science Museum – Los Yébenes
  • Cinema Cars Museum – Yunco
  • Saffron and Etnography Museum – Madridejos
Restaurants in Toledo Province

Gastronomy in the province of Toledo is one of its tourist attractions. Traditional food with a varied gastronomy selection and choices for all tastes. Some of the restaurants in the province of Toledo are as follows:

Restaurante Raíces, Escuela de Hostelería de Toledo, El Hollejo Taberna Restaurante, El Carmen de Montesión, El Labriego, Palio, Taberna El Botero, Casa Elena, Mesón La Orza, As de Espadas, El Cigarral de Las Mercedes, El Bohio, La Mar Salá, El Borbollón, Granero, Taberna Mingote, La Fábrica de Harinas, Toledana, Hierbabuena, Amaranto, Los Jardines de Palacio, El capricho de los Torres, Casa Alfonso, Caravantes, Alfileritos 24, Llares, Lo Nuestro, La Comanda Gastrobar, Finca El Retamar, El Mesón de Cabañas, Mesón La Espuela, Casa Tabordo, Taberna El Botero, Clandestina de las Tendillas, La Almazara de Alcabón, Finca Los Valdespinos, La Hostería de Oropesa, De La Tierra, Montes, Posada de la Cal, La Posada de Recas, Casa Parrilla, La Bodeguita, El Rincón del Cojo…

Historical characters of Toledo Province

Many famous characters in history were born and lived in the province of Toledo: El Greco, Garcilaso de la Vega, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Juan de la Cruz and Benito Pérez Galdós, among other.