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Retail spaces for rent in Mejorada del Campo with smoke extractor


3 shops for rent in Mejorada del Campo

  • Calle Beatriz, 1 Mejorada del Campo Madrid 28840 Retail for rent

    Retail for rent at Calle Beatriz, 1, Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, 28840 with wheel, car, building, van, automotive parking light, tire, vehicle, automotive tail & brake light, window and motor vehicle around
    3 months ago
    162 m2
    Floor Ground
    900 €/mo
    5.56 €/m2/mo
    Retail unit for rent
    • Local in good condition
    • Good visibility from the outside
    • Busy shopping area

    Commercial premises for rent in the municipality of Mejorada del Campo, in Madrid.

    The premises have a total area of 162 m2 and has 87 m2 on the ground floor and 75 m2 in the basement. Highlight of the place its location in an area with a lot of public and commercial traffic. At the facility level it has a smoke outlet system and air conditioning.

    The property has a large window so it is very attractive from a commercial point of view.

    • Smoke extractor
    • Toilets
    • Facade lineal meters
    • On the street
    • Showcase
    • Air Conditioning
    • Bus stop
    • Natural Light - Good
Showing 1 of 1 results

3 retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo, Madrid Province

There are 3 retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent in Mejorada del Campo. The total retail space with smoke extractor for rent in Mejorada del Campo is 337 sqm; the largest retail space with smoke extractor offered has 162 sqm.

The average price of retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent is €700 per month. The cheapest retail with smoke extractor €500 per month and the highest price is €900 per month. The average value per square meter of retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent is €6.23 per month, with a minimum price of €5.56 per month and a maximum of €7.37 per month.

Search retail spaces for rent in Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, we have 9 retail spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for retail for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo

What is the average price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The average price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo is €700 per month

What is the lowest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The lowest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo is €500 per month

What is the highest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The highest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo is €900 per month

What is the average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €6.23 per month

What is the lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €5.56 per month

What is the highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Mejorada del Campo?

The highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €7.37 per month

What are the most common amenities of retail spaces in Mejorada del Campo?

The most common amenities of retail spaces in Mejorada del Campo are smoke extractor, business for sale, security systems, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchen, counter, warehouse and bathrooms

Mejorada del Campo

Madrid Province

Mejorada del Campo

Prices and m2 available of retail for rent in Mejorada del Campo

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Mejorada del Campo5.566.237.37337
Madrid province0.9313.16280.00518,629
Pozuelo de Alarcón6.8318.7262.022,950
City of Madrid2.7518.62280.00224,310
Alcalá de Henares4.4410.7733.3314,071
Las Rozas de Madrid3.3010.0648.7111,613
San Sebastián de los Reyes2.409.7823.8614,171
Torrejón de Ardoz2.627.6038.4612,229

Featured areas for industrial building rental and sales in Mejorada del Campo

Mejorada del Campo lies on the so-called Henares Corridor, an important industrial and business area in the Region of Madrid.

Business activity in Mejorada del Campo is mainly in the town centre, mostly in calle Mayor, with business premises for rent or sale for different types of businesses, retail stores, restaurants and bars.

Commercial activity also takes place in the shopping centres and department stores in nearby towns, such as Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

Demographic, economic and property data in Mejorada del Campo

Nº inhabitants by age range in Mejorada del Campo
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density1,294.84240.51910.36143.96
Average age of inhabitants in Mejorada del Campo
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Mejorada del Campo
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies1,020

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Mejorada del Campo

Mejorada del Campo's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Mejorada del Campo an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Mejorada del Campo
MeansNº of stops or stations
Interurban bus4

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Mejorada del Campo

Public administrations in Mejorada del Campo
Most relevant public administrationsTypeAddress
Ayuntamiento de Mejorada del CampoTown halls, Councils, MinistriesPlaza del Progreso, 1

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Mejorada del Campo

Air quality in Mejorada del Campo
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good166819.04 %
Good526460.09 %
Ordinary114913.12 %
Bad5526.30 %
Very bad730.83 %
Toxic90.10 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Southeast Regional Park

Mejorada del Campo is a town in the Region of Madrid located 21 km to the east of the capital, within the tourist area of the Henares Basin.

It covers an area of 29.1 km2 and borders with San Fernando de Henares, Velilla de San Antonio, Rivas-Vaciamadrid and Loeches.

The town lies within the Southeast Regional Park and is where the rivers Jarama and Henares merge.

Southeast Regional Park

Discover Mejorada del Campo

Town Hall
Town Hall
Justo Gallego Cathedral
Justo Gallego Cathedral
Radio Mejorada
Radio Mejorada
Plaza España
Plaza España
Parque Islillas Route
Parque Islillas Route

Information about Mejorada del Campo

Origins of Mejorada del Campo

The town's origins date back to the Palaeolithic Age when several colonies settled in the area were the rivers Jarama and Henares merge. Remains of flint that were found in the area confirm this.

It was named Mejorada del Rey at the end of the 13th century when the inhabitants purchased their right to self-determination and were subjected to the Crown. It was later donated to Francisco González de Heredia y Gante, who is considered to be the first Lord of Mejorada.

It returned to its original name, Mejorada del Campo, when Pedro Fernández del Campo bought it at a public auction for around 440,000 Reales.

Culture in Mejorada del Campo
  • Justo Cathedral
Parks in Mejorada del Campo
  • Las Islillas Park: Part of the Southeast Regional Park
  • Miguel Hernández Park
  • Justo Gallego Park
  • Norte Park
Restaurants in Mejorada del Campo

Some of the restaurants in Mejorada del Campo are as follows: Bar Restaurante Luque, El Fogón de Manolo, La Posada del Hi-Da…