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Retail spaces for rent in Colmenar Viejo with smoke extractor


7 shops for rent in Colmenar Viejo

  • Calle Cruz de San Francisco, 53 Colmenar Viejo Madrid 28770 Retail for rent

    Retail for rent at Calle Cruz de San Francisco, 53, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, 28770 with wood, gas, facade, road, door, city, street, brick, road surface and machine around
    1 week ago
    75 m2
    Floor Ground
    590 €/mo
    7.87 €/m2/mo
    Retail unit for rent
    • In perfect condition
    • Nice facade
    • Consolidated area of Colmenar Viejo

    Great commercial space available in the central area of Colmenar Viejo.

    The place is in perfect condition and has functioned as a bakery until now.

    It has a built area of 75 m2 of which 72 m2 are useful.

    It is compartmentalized in different rooms.

    It has a warehouse, an office, a toilet and a small kitchen. It has shop windows, smoke outlet, air conditioning and terrazzo floors.

    It is ideal for any type of hospitality or commercial activity.

    • Smoke extractor
    • Security locks
    • Toilets
    • Warehouse
    • Terrazzo
    • On the street
    • Showcase
    • Air Conditioning
    • Bus stop
    • Public Transportation
  • Calle Juan Miró, 2 Colmenar Viejo Madrid 28770 Retail for rent

    Retail for sale & for rent at Calle Juan Miró, 2, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, 28770 with lighting, property, tile flooring, interior design, brick, shade, flooring, floor, wall and building material around
    3 months ago
    60 m2
    Floor Ground
    Price upon request
    Retail unit for rent
    • Easy access to the M-609 and M-607
    • Possibility of any commercial activity
    • Good height of ceilings

    Available both for sale and for rent commercial premises in original condition, of 60 m2 of surface, located on one floor and making street corner of residential building. It has ceilings of 3.80 meters, so there would be the opportunity to make a mezzanine, and smoke output, being adaptable to any type of commercial activity.

    Located in a relatively new building of Colmenar Viejo, framed by Juan Miró Street, Goya and Miraflores Road, it has easy access to M-609 and M-607.

    • Smoke extractor
    • High ceilings
    • Without covering
    • On the street
    • Natural lighting
    • Public Transportation
    • Retail space in original condition
Showing 2 of 2 results

7 retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid Province

There are 7 retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent in Colmenar Viejo. The total retail space with smoke extractor for rent in Colmenar Viejo is 802 sqm; the largest retail space with smoke extractor offered has 356 sqm.

The average price of retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent is €853 per month. The cheapest retail with smoke extractor €500 per month and the highest price is €1,470 per month. The average value per square meter of retail spaces with smoke extractor for rent is €7.83 per month, with a minimum price of €6.93 per month and a maximum of €12.50 per month.

Search retail spaces for rent in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, we have 32 retail spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for retail for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo

What is the average price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The average price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo is €853 per month

What is the lowest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The lowest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo is €500 per month

What is the highest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The highest price of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo is €1,470 per month

What is the average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The average price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €7.83 per month

What is the lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The lowest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €6.93 per month

What is the highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor in Colmenar Viejo?

The highest price per sqm of retail spaces for rent with smoke extractor is €12.50 per month

What are the most common amenities of retail spaces in Colmenar Viejo?

The most common amenities of retail spaces in Colmenar Viejo are smoke extractor, business for sale, security systems, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchen, counter, warehouse and bathrooms

Find more properties in these areas

Colmenar Viejo

Madrid Province

Colmenar Viejo

Prices and m2 available of retail for rent in Colmenar Viejo

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Colmenar Viejo6.937.8312.50802
Madrid province0.9313.16280.00518,629
Pozuelo de Alarcón6.8318.7262.022,950
City of Madrid2.7518.62280.00224,310
Alcalá de Henares4.4410.7733.3314,071
Las Rozas de Madrid3.3010.0648.7111,613
San Sebastián de los Reyes2.409.7823.8614,171
Torrejón de Ardoz2.627.6038.4612,229

Featured areas for business premises rental and sales in Colmenar Viejo

Business activity in Colmenar Viejo mainly takes place in small retail stores in the centre of the town, where there are business properties for rent or sale.

One of the main commercial streets in Colmenar Viejo is Calle Real. Significant commercial activity also takes place in the shopping centres, namely: El Portachuelo Shopping Centre, El Mirador Shopping Centre and El Ventanal de la Sierra Shopping Centre.

Demographic, economic and property data in Colmenar Viejo

Nº inhabitants by age range in Colmenar Viejo
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density270.5250.45184.8235.26
Average age of inhabitants in Colmenar Viejo
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Colmenar Viejo
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies2,510

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Colmenar Viejo

Colmenar Viejo's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Colmenar Viejo an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Colmenar Viejo
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus6
Interurban bus13
Suburban train1

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Colmenar Viejo

Commercial areas in Colmenar Viejo
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. MiradorShopping CentreCalle Molino de Viento, s/n
C.C. El Ventanal de la SierraShopping CentreCalle Tejera, 2
Alcampo Colmenar Viejo - C.C. El Ventanal de la SierraHypermarketCalle Tejera, Nº2
C.C. El PortachueloShopping CentreCarretera Hoyo de Manzanares, 40
Mercado de Abastos de Colmenar ViejoFood marketPlaza Eulogio Carrasco, s/n

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Colmenar Viejo

Air quality in Colmenar Viejo
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good129614.79 %
Good578065.98 %
Ordinary125414.32 %
Bad3864.41 %
Very bad60.07 %
Toxic00.00 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park

Colmenar Viejo is a town in the Region of Madrid located 30 km to the north of the capital, at the feet of the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range.

It covers an area of 182.6 km2 and because of its large area it borders with 13 other towns: Madrid, Tres Cantos, San Sebastián de los Reyes, San Agustín de Guadalix, Algete, Pedrezuela, Guadalix de la Sierra, Miraflores de la Sierra, Soto del Real, Manzanares El Real, Hoyo de Manzanares, Cerceda and Becerril de la Sierra.

A large part of the area is included in the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park nature reserve.

Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park

Discover Colmenar Viejo

Colmenar Viejo Sculpture
Colmenar Viejo Sculpture
Glorieta del Sargento Joga
Glorieta del Sargento Joga
Encierros Monument
Encierros Monument
Plaza de Los Arcos
Plaza de Los Arcos
Puente de madera
Puente de madera
Colmenar Viejo railway track
Colmenar Viejo railway track

Information about Colmenar Viejo

The origins of Colmenar Viejo

The possible foundation by the Visigoths of Colmenar Viejo is explained by the findings in Dehesa de Navalvillar and the Remedios Visigoth burial site.

During the reign of Alfonso X it was transferred to depend on El Real de Manzanares, which included towns such as Soto del Real, Hoyo de Manzanares, Miraflores and Navacerrada.

A century later it was granted to the Mendoza family by Juan II.

In 1504 King Fernando granted Colmenar Viejo the title of Villa, and it was then separated from the jurisdiction of Manzanares, to become the financial and administrative centre of the lordship.

It has developed constantly since then. Livestock and arable farming and beekeeping were very important. Beekeeping is the origin of its name.

Since the second half of the 20th century, the town's population underwent significant growth in line with the services sector and construction industry.

Culture in Colmenar Viejo
  • Villa de Colmenar Viejo Museum
  • Geology Museum
  • Geology Garden
  • Arte Sacro Museum
  • Pablo Neruda Cultural Centre
  • Pablo Ruiz Picasso Cultural Centre
  • Municipal Granary
Parks in Colmenar Viejo
  • La Alameda Park
  • El Vivero Park
  • Doctor Bachir Public Park
  • El Mirador Park
  • Colmenar Viejo Dog Park
  • La Hierbabuena Park
  • Fuente Santa Park
  • El Cerrillo Park
  • Santiago Esteban Junquer Park
  • Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Park
  • El Ancla Park
  • Lineal de la Magdalena Park
  • Ronda del Oeste Park
  • Calle Berruguete Park
  • Moncayo Park
Restaurants in Colmenar Viejo

Some of the restaurants in Colmenar Viejo are as follows: Casa Ferreira, Casa Abilio, Senia Gastrocería…