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Cheap retail spaces for sale in Ciudad Lineal


77 shops for sale in Ciudad Lineal

  • Calle Germán Pérez Carrasco, 92 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28027 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Germán Pérez Carrasco, 92, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28027 with car, building, van, automotive parking light, land vehicle, wheel, property, tire, vehicle and sky around 3 months ago
    68 m2
    Floor Ground
    98,000 €
    1,441 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Excellent communications
    • Very versatile space
    • Possibility of changing use

    Excellent commercial premises in the neighborhood of Quintana, district of Ciudad Lineal. Area with all kinds of businesses and excellent communications.

    The place has 68 m2. The entire surface on the street floor.

    It is a space with high ceilings, polished concrete floor and toilet. It has about 5 meters of linear façade.

    Ideal for changing use (transforming into housing).

    • Toilets
    • High ceilings
    • Without covering
    • Facade lineal meters
    • On the street
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Public Transportation
    • Metro station
    • Bus stop
  • Calle Prudencio Álvaro, 8 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28027 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Prudencio Álvaro, 8, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28027 with waste container, door, window, building, waste containment, road surface, fixture, asphalt, brick and wood around
    3 months ago
    218 m2
    Floor Ground
    310,000 €
    1,422 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Very spacious and versatile
    • Good state of conservation
    • Consolidated area close to Alcalá street

    Spacious place at street level.

    It has a gross surface area of 218 m2, of which 202 m2 are useful.

    The premises have recently been used as an office, so it has modular offices, but if necessary it can be left open by easily removing the divisions.

    It has two access doors (one front for the public and normal access and the other as emergency exit), air conditioning with cold - heat pump that has 7 splits, three toilets (male, female and one in office of Management), bathroom, false ceiling with r

    • Security locks
    • Bathrooms
    • Toilets
    • Integral lighting
    • High ceilings
    • Floorboards
    • On the street
    • Hot/cold air conditioning
    • Bus stop
    • Public Transportation
    • LED lighting
  • Calle Gutierre de Cetina, 73 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Gutierre de Cetina, 73, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with packaged goods, automotive design, gas, machine, electricity, automotive lighting, automotive exterior, engineering, metal and steel around
    3 months ago
    48 m2
    Floor Basement
    20,000 €
    417 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Wide and versatile
    • Highly visited gallery
    • Consolidated area

    Commercial post of 48 m2 in food gallery.

    It is the result of joining two adjoining stalls, generating one of the largest marketing spaces in the gallery.

    It has 2 construction chambers (1 freezing and 1 conservation), stainless steel and glass displays, terrazzo floor and metal security closure.

    It is located in a shopping arcade located in Pueblo Nuevo district of Ciudad Lineal.

    It is an area with high population density and very busy.

    The gallery attracts a large number of neighbors in the ar

    • Security locks
    • Toilets
    • Warehouse
    • Refrigerated Chamber
    • Terrazzo
  • Calle Gutierre de Cetina, 73 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale & for rent at Calle Gutierre de Cetina, 73, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with cabinetry, building, wheel, automotive design, gas, machine, tire, city, luxury vehicle and aluminium around
    3 months ago
    40 m2
    Floor Ground
    Price upon request
    Retail unit for sale
    • Busy Commercial Gallery
    • Consolidated residential area
    • Excellent communications

    Commercial post of 40 m2 in food gallery.

    It is located in a shopping arcade located in Pueblo Nuevo district of Ciudad Lineal.

    It is an area with high population density and very busy.

    The gallery attracts a large number of neighbors in the area.

    • Earthenware
    • Public Transportation
    • Metro station
    • Bus stop
  • Calle Prudencio Álvaro Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28027 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale & for rent at Calle Prudencio Álvaro, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28027 with door, wood, floor, flooring, hall, road surface, house, building material, beam and hardwood around
    3 months ago
    510 m2
    Floor Semi-basement
    365,000 €
    716 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale in an office building
    • Local with multiple possibilities
    • Area with high pedestrian influx nearby
    • Nearest metro stations

    Great space available for sale in the heart of the Quintana neighborhood, district of Ciudad Lineal.

    It has an area of 510 m2 distributed in several rooms and a full bathroom.

    The space, located in the basement, with access at street level through a high gate that leads to an access ramp, has a high-rise indoor industrial area.

    It has wooden floors, ceramic tiles and polished concrete.

    Located in a consolidated residential area with a high population density and numerous established businesses,

    • Security locks
    • Toilets
    • Floating floors
    • Ceramic
    • Natural lighting
    • Public Transportation
    • From banks
  • Calle Arriaga, 19 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Arriaga, 19, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with wheel, car, tire, automotive parking light, land vehicle, vehicle, automotive side marker light, window, automotive lighting and building around
    3 months ago
    84 m2
    Floor Ground
    120,000 €
    1,429 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Possibility of change of use to housing
    • Luminous and visible
    • Consolidated and busy area

    Commercial space at street level, bright, visible and versatile.

    It has 2 toilets, a large front window and a tile floor.

    It is divided by partitions that are easily removable, achieving an open space.

    It is located in a busy and well-connected area, in front of Arriaga Park.

    • Security locks
    • Toilets
    • Earthenware
    • On the street
    • Showcase
    • Natural lighting
    • Public Transportation
  • Avenida Marqués de Corbera Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Avenida Marqués de Corbera, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with window, building, fixture, paint, graffiti, road surface, art, neighbourhood, brickwork and font around
    3 months ago
    200 m2
    Floor Ground
    325,000 €
    1,625 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Large corner facade
    • Large storefronts
    • Busy area

    Large premises of 200 m2 located at the foot of the street on the corner, with entrance through Avenida Marqués de Corbera, San Maximiliano and Calle Montejurra.

    This property has 2 floors, one of 95 m2 and the other of 105 m2, as well as a basement divided into 10 rooms.

    It includes 2 bathrooms, 1 cleaning room, 1 storage room and 4 additional rooms.

    The street floor houses the store and 2 rooms, ideal for various commercial uses.

    It was formerly a successful fruit shop.

    • Security locks
    • Toilets
    • Integral lighting
    • Warehouse
    • Stairs
    • Corner located
    • At several heights
    • Showcase
    • Natural lighting
    • Bus stop
    • Public Transportation
    • Metro station
  • Calle Montejurra, 5 Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Montejurra, 5, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with car, tire, building, wheel, automotive parking light, land vehicle, vehicle, window, automotive lighting and motor vehicle around
    3 months ago
    50 m2
    Floor Ground
    79,800 €
    1,596 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Local located on the corner
    • Large showcase area
    • Located in a consolidated environment

    Commercial premises for sale on first floor in the neighborhood of La Elipa in Madrid.

    The premises has a total area of 50 m2 of which 20 m2 are located on the street level and 30 m2 in the basement. The premises are open at the moment. It is located in a corner, which makes it very visible from the outside. It also has several shop windows making it ideal as a commercial space. The basement floor is ceramic and the ground floor is of sintasol. It has inside a storage area and toilet.


    • Toilets
    • Warehouse
    • Ceramic
    • Corner located
    • On the street
    • Showcase
    • Elevator
    • Bus stop
    • Public Transportation
    • Natural Light - Good
  • Calle Vital Aza Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28017 Retail for sale

    Retail for sale at Calle Vital Aza, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28017 with table, couch, furniture, picture frame, building, comfort, interior design, living room, houseplant and floor around
    3 months ago
    125 m2
    Floor Ground
    185,000 €
    1,480 €/m2
    Retail unit for sale
    • Possibility of change of use to housing
    • All necessary services in the area
    • Excellent public transport links

    Available for sale commercial space of 125 m2 located in Pueblo Nuevo, Ciudad Lineal district. Location very close to Alcalá and Arturo Soria streets, in a busy commercial area with numerous services around (several supermarkets, bilingual private school, restaurants, etc.).

    It is distributed over two floors and has high ceilings with skylight, which provides plenty of natural light. The store area takes up a large part of the store.

    The place needs very little renovation investment to start o

    • Integral lighting
    • Warehouse
    • Earthenware
    • Facade lineal meters
    • Showcase
    • Public Transportation
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Metro station
    • Bus stop
Showing 41 - 49 of 49 results - Page 2 of 2

Ciudad Lineal


Ciudad Lineal

Prices and m2 available of retail for sale in Ciudad Lineal

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Ciudad Lineal3461,2864,76218,923
City of Madrid1782,63650,000323,983
Moncloa - Aravaca9673,32530,95011,877
Fuencarral - El Pardo6132,15112,50016,305
La Latina3581,7559,84112,382
San Blas - Canillejas2961,6565,75613,906
Villa de Vallecas7001,5803,6987,494
Puente de Vallecas4291,1744,52414,212

Featured areas for business premises rental and sales in Ciudad Lineal

Quintana and Pueblo Nuevo quarters are home to many business premises, many of which are available for rent or sale, suitable for retail stores, with the busiest street being Calle Alcalá. Moreover, the Arturo Soria Plaza and Alcalá Norte complete the offer with a range of retail stores, restaurants and leisure facilities.

Some of the most notable stores in the district are: Farrutx, Tintoretto, Purificación García, Roberto Verino, Lujans, Trucco, Coronel Tapioca, Imaginarium, Iluminación Stela, Decathlon City Madrid Alcalá, Electrodomésticos Hermanos Pérez…

Demographic, economic and property data in Ciudad Lineal

Nº inhabitants by age range in Ciudad Lineal
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density19,400.422,399.0212,205.634,795.77
Average age of inhabitants in Ciudad Lineal
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Ciudad Lineal
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies12,320

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Ciudad Lineal

Ciudad Lineal's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Ciudad Lineal an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Ciudad Lineal
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus43
Interurban bus19
Nodes of transport2

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Ciudad Lineal

Commercial areas in Ciudad Lineal
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. Alcalá NorteShopping CentreCalle Alcalá 414
Mercado Municipal de VentasFood marketCalle Virgen de la Alegría, 10
Mercado Municipal de San PascualFood marketCalle Virgen del Val, 9
C.C. Arturo Soria PlazaShopping CentreCalle Arturo Soria, 126
Mercado Municipal de BamiFood marketPlaza de Bami, s/n

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Ciudad Lineal

Air quality in Ciudad Lineal
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good160518.32 %
Good617970.54 %
Ordinary7468.52 %
Bad2162.47 %
Very bad00.00 %
Toxic00.00 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

The Arturo Soria Project

  • Ventas
  • Pueblo Nuevo
  • Quintana
  • Concepción
  • San Pascual
  • San Juan Bautista
  • Colina
  • Atalaya
  • Costillares

Ciudad Lineal district covers an area of 1,136.36 hectares and includes the quarters Ventas, Pueblo Nuevo, Quintana, Concepción, San Pascual, San Juan Bautista, Colina, Atalaya and Costillares.

Nuestra Señora de la Almudena cemetery is located in this district, the main cemetery in the city. It is the biggest cemetery in Madrid, and one of the largest in Western Europe, covering over 120 hectares of pantheons, chapels and monuments of enormous artistic value. The mortal remains of historical characters such as Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, Pío Baroja, Benito Pérez Galdós and others have been laid to rest here.

The Arturo Soria Project

Discover Ciudad Lineal

Ciudad Lineal Business Area
Ciudad Lineal Business Area
Las Ventas Market
Las Ventas Market
Metro Ciudad Lineal
Metro Ciudad Lineal
Plaza de Las Ventas
Plaza de Las Ventas
Plaza José Banús
Plaza José Banús

Information about Ciudad Lineal

The origins of Ciudad Lineal

Arturo Soria y Mata published the Ciudad Lineal Project in 1892, on which he had been working for 10 years. The aim of the plan was to surround the outskirts of the capital and join it to the towns that had been annexed between 1948 and 1984: Canillas, Chamartín and Hortaleza, among others.

An elongated town built on both sides of a street or central avenue 40 metres wide, with housing on both sides. The idea obeyed the slogan: “For each family, a home. In each home, a vegetable patch and garden”. Soria put forward the idea of linear construction, joining two towns with buildings that changed the urban approach.

The project obeyed the new ideals of the time, since from the second half of the 19th century, sociologists, doctors, hygienists and writers had been denouncing the serious deficiencies of industrial cities. Therefore, the ideal sought to reinsert nature, combining countryside and city. The aim was to achieve some of the proposals of the plan by Arturo Soria, such as isolating houses within their gardens, limiting the height of buildings and the distances between houses and the street, etc.

In 1894 the Madrid Urbanisation Company was incorporated to build in the Ciudad Lineal area, although it was dissolved shortly afterwards due to a lack of resources. The crisis affected many workers at the time, and the project was suspended following the death of Arturo Soria, and completely abandoned due to the Civil War.

The subsequent modifications somewhat perverted the project, and only a few of the original detached houses remain in the area between Avenida de América and the Aragon Highway.

Among the more recent buildings, the Eduardo Torroja, Club de Stella and the detached houses designed by the architects Coderch and Valls in 1958 stand out.

Culture in Ciudad Lineal
  • African Museum
  • Siena Sociocultural Centre
  • Islamic Cultural Centre. Madrid Mosque
  • Ciudad Lineal Sociocultural Centre
  • Carmen Laforet Auditorium
  • Joaquín Turina Music Centre
  • Outdoor Auditorium. Calero Park
  • Príncipe de Asturias Cultural Centre
  • San Juan Bautista Cultural Centre
  • La Elipa Cultural Centre
Restaurants in Ciudad Lineal

There is a wide choice of restaurants in Ciudad Lineal, some of which are: Betelu, El Pitaco, Los Cedros, Brexas, La Lanzada, La Valenciana, Urkiola Mendi, Jaizkibel…

The markets in the district are: Bami Municipal Market, San Pascual Municipal Market and Las Ventas Municipal Market.

Parks in Ciudad Lineal
  • Antonio Pirala Park
  • El Calero Park
  • El Cedral Park
  • Pinar de la Elipa Park
  • Salvador de Madariaga Park
  • San Juan Bautista Park
  • Arriaga Park
  • Malmoe Park
  • La Almudena Park
  • Los Tilos Park