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Offices for rent in Valdemoro with parking


1 office for rent in Valdemoro

  • Avenida Mar Mediterráneo, 160 Valdemoro Madrid 28340 Business center

    Office for rent at Avenida Mar Mediterráneo, 160, Valdemoro, Madrid, 28340 with van, building, car, cloud, tire, wheel, sky, land vehicle, window, vehicle and tree around
    3 months ago
    100 m2
    Floor 2
    Price upon request
    Office for rent - Coworking
    • Business Space and Coworking
    • Multiple associated services
    • Rates adapted to your needs

    Seseña Business Center is a new workspace for professionals and SMEs who need an office where to develop their business project, offering a good image to their customers and suppliers, but with reduced costs and no initial investment.

    Business Center Seseña offers you a work space in a professional environment, adapted to your needs (tax and social address, mail reception, telephone service, meeting room, shared space or office rental), with the possibility to contact and collaborate with other

    • Toilets
    • Cable Pipes Through Walls
    • Partitioned Offices
    • Natural Light - Good
    • WIFI
    • Hot water
    • Heating
    • Video intercom
    • Parking
    • Bus stop
    • Public Transportation
Showing 1 of 1 results

1 offices for rent with parking in Valdemoro, Madrid Province

There are 1 office space with parking for rent in Valdemoro. The total office space with parking for rent in Valdemoro is 100 sqm.

Search office spaces for rent in Valdemoro, Madrid, we have 8 office spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for offices for rent with parking in Valdemoro

What are the most common amenities of office spaces in Valdemoro?

The most common amenities of office spaces in Valdemoro are air conditioning, security systems, garage parking, fire detection system and bathrooms


Madrid Province


Prices and m2 available of office for rent in Valdemoro

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Madrid province3.0014.54105.071,877,319
City of Madrid3.5316.90105.071,304,530
Pozuelo de Alarcón9.0016.7117.5033,816
Las Rozas de Madrid5.609.9326.3385,779
Alcalá de Henares5.568.8723.444,494
San Sebastián de los Reyes3.927.4315.0075,073
Torrejón de Ardoz5.096.6112.932,064

Demographic, economic and property data in Valdemoro

Nº inhabitants by age range in Valdemoro
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density1,163.98264.70793.01106.27
Average age of inhabitants in Valdemoro
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Valdemoro
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies2,435

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Valdemoro

Valdemoro's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Valdemoro an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Valdemoro
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus8
Interurban bus7
Suburban train1

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Valdemoro

Commercial areas in Valdemoro
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. El RestónShopping CentreAvenida Mar Mediterráneo, 3
E-Lecrerc ValdemoroHypermarketAvda. del Mediterráneo, s/n Esq. Calle Ágora (C.C. El Restón)

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Valdemoro

Air quality in Valdemoro
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good109512.50 %
Good549662.74 %
Ordinary152917.45 %
Bad6016.86 %
Very bad210.24 %
Toxic30.03 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Historic Artistic Site

Valdemoro is located at the south of the Region of Madrid, 26 km from the capital, in the so-called Tagus prairie or valley.

It covers an area of 64.2 km² and borders to the west with Torrejón de Velasco; to the north with San Martín de la Vega and Pinto; to the east with Ciempozuelos and San Martín de la Vega, and to the south with Esquivias and Seseña.

Historic Artistic Site

Discover Valdemoro

Las Clarisas Convent
Las Clarisas Convent
Glorieta de las Avutardas
Glorieta de las Avutardas
Glorieta del Universo, El Astronauta
Glorieta del Universo, El Astronauta
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church
Duque de Ahumada Park
Duque de Ahumada Park
Plaza de la Constitución
Plaza de la Constitución

Information about Valdemoro

History of Valdemoro

There are no written documents about Valdemoro until the 12th century, but its origin may be associated to a small farmhouse in the area of influence of Toledo, after Alfonso VI conquered all the kingdom in 1085.

After the Reconquest, secular and ecclesiastic institutions fought many times to obtain territory extensions of the Muslims’ properties. These fights also affected Valdemoro and involved the bishops of Segovia and Palencia. Finally, Segovia linked Valdemoro to its territorial domain in 1190, by means of a privilege granted by King Alfonso VIII. The Segovia Council grouped Chinchón, Bayona, Valdelaguna, Villaconejos, Seseña, Ciempozuelos and San Martín de la Vega.

After a period, subject to Segovia Valdemoro became part of the territory under Major Governor of Castile, Hernán Pérez de Portocarrero. At the end of the 14th century it became an ecclesiastic lordship, included in the real estate of the Archbishopric of Toledo. The council could appoint its members with the approval of the Archbishop’s Council. In addition, thanks to Enrique III, the granting of the privilege of “Villa” enabled its gradual economic and social development.

In 1480, the Catholic Monarchs dissociated 1,200 vassals coming from Valdemoro and Casarrubios from the Land of Segovia in the interest of two nobles of their Court, the Marquis and Marchioness of Moya. Although the measure did not involve big changes, it did influence subsequent lawsuits with the neighbours.

Until the last third of the 16th century, Valdemoro remained linked to the properties of the Archbishop’s Board. Cereal and vine were acknowledged as being of high quality in the region.

In 1577, it became a jurisdictional lordship in the hands of noble Melchor de Herrera, Marquis of Auñón. Valdemoro remained in his power until his heirs decided to sell it to one of the most influential characters of the time: Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of Lerma and King Felipe III’s favourite. The new proprietor made the most of the privileged location of the “Villa” on the way from the Court to the Real Sitio de Aranjuez to honour the monarchs.

On the 18th century, after a period of great decay, Valdemoro recovered once again some economic stability with José Aguado Correa, noble courtier, from the “Villa”. Aguado established a factory of fine cloths in the “Villa”, seeking the protection of new doctrines of the Borbons. Aguado, his factory and the workers received great privileges.

In the 19th century, socio-economic features were transformed, and the agricultural economy turned into an industrial one, based on the exploitation of gypsum. But the War of Independence brought great ruin to the population.

In 1822, the territorial planning carried out by Javier de Burgos included Valdemoro within the newly formed province of Madrid. With the new economic and technological developments, the town participated in the drafting of the railway line from Madrid to Aranjuez in 1851. Later on, the establishment of the Professional Association of Young Guards on the old plots where the cloth factory was (1855) considerably modified the characteristics of the population.

In the 20th century, as a result of the Civil War, the population suffered important losses again and it took years to recover the socio-economic stability. Until the 1960’s its lifestyle relied on farming and on the exploitation of gypsum quarries, but the lack of modernisation caused all factories to shut down.

The industrial expansion during the last 25 years of the century in Valdemoro helped create the large number of industries that are located in the industrial estates in Valdemoro.

Parks in Valdemoro
  • Duque Park
  • Adolfo Suárez Park
  • Ana Tutor Park
  • Andalusia Park
  • Bolitas del Airón Park
  • Cristo de la Salud Park
  • Spain Park
  • Extremadura Park
  • La Alberiza Park
  • Las Eras Park
  • Terrorism Victims Park
  • Pozo de San Pedro Park
  • Duque de Ahumanda Park
  • Miguel Ángel Blanco Park
  • River Manzanares Park
  • Tenerías Park
  • Tierno Galván Park
Culture in Valdemoro
  • Juan Prado Cultural Centre Exhibition Hall
  • La Bodega Exhibition Hall
  • Ana María Matute Library Exhibition Hall
Restaurants in Valdemoro

Some of Valdemoro’s restaurants are as follows: Casilda, Chirón, Arrocería Adri, La Búha…