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Offices for rent in Puente de Vallecas with parking


9 offices for rent in Puente de Vallecas

  • Calle Arboleda, 14-16 Puente de Vallecas Madrid 28031 Office for rent

    Office for rent at Calle Arboleda, 14-16, Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, 28031 with car, building, land vehicle, sky, window, vehicle, wheel, tire, house and commercial building around
    4 days ago
    15 m2
    Floor 1
    225 €/mo
    15 €/m2/mo
    Office for rent in an office Building
    • Office in the Arboleda Business Center
    • Good access to the A-3, M-40 and M-45
    • Good communications by metro, commuter and bus

    45 m2 office for rent in the Arboleda business center, 5 minutes from Conde de Casal via A-3 with direct access to M-40, 3 minutes from the M-45. It is located next to the Sierra de Guadalupe subway, the Vallecas commuter station and the buses: e, 54, 58, 103, 130, 142, 143, h1 and t31.

    It is a fully equipped office, furnished for two workplaces and ready to develop your business activity.

    It is equipped with pre-installation of fiber optics and telephone, several common toilets on each floor

    • Height
    • Toilets
    • Natural lighting
    • Gate
    • Parking area
    • Hot water
    • Alarm
    • Ceiling height: 2,5 m
    • Open-Plan
    • Optical fiber cable
    • Enclosure closed
  • Edificio Albufera, Avenida Albufera, 153 Puente de Vallecas Madrid 28038 Office for rent

    Office for rent at Edificio Albufera, Avenida Albufera, 153, Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, 28038 with building, sky, cloud, street light, tower block, house, urban design, condominium, commercial building and real estate around
    2 weeks ago
    450 - 2,463 m2
    Floors 3 - 6
    From 5,171 €/mo
    11.50 €/m2/mo
    Office for rent
    • Excellent building
    • Good location
    • Great communications

    Offices located in a building located in the south of Madrid, in a highly consolidated environment with magnificent communications in public and private transport.

    The Albufera Plaza building has a total area of 14,900 m2 distributed on ground floor plus six floors above ground. The plant for commercial use offers a varied selection of services.

    The property is close to two metro stops (Buenos Aires and Portazgo, both line 1) and numerous bus lines. The building has three elevators, access con

    • Lifts
    • Commissionaire service
    • Reception
    • 24 hour access
    • Raised Floor
    • Suspended ceiling
    • Hot water
    • Toilets
    • Extinguishers
    • Emergency lighting
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Emergency exit
    • Security System
    • High ceilings
    • Air Conditioning
    • Air Conditioning Channel Cold/Heat
    • Comfort Cooling
    • Parkings space number
    • Exterior office
    • 24 hour security
    • Fire detection system
    • Parking
    • Public Transportation
    • Metro station
    • Canteen
    • Bus stop
    • Food Court
    • Fire detectors
    • Access control
    • Integral lighting
Showing 2 of 2 results

9 offices for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas, Madrid

There are 9 office spaces with parking for rent in Puente de Vallecas. The total office space with parking for rent in Puente de Vallecas is 3,230 sqm; the largest office space with parking offered has 2,463 sqm.

The average price of office spaces with parking for rent is €4,121 per month. The cheapest office with parking €225 per month and the highest price is €28,320 per month. The average value per square meter of office spaces with parking for rent is €11.48 per month, with a minimum price of €10.50 per month and a maximum of €15.00 per month.

Search office spaces for rent in Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, we have 9 office spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for offices for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas

What is the average price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The average price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas is €4,121 per month

What is the lowest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The lowest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas is €225 per month

What is the highest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The highest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas is €28,320 per month

What is the average price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The average price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €11.48 per month

What is the lowest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The lowest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €10.50 per month

What is the highest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Puente de Vallecas?

The highest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €15.00 per month

What are the most common amenities of office spaces in Puente de Vallecas?

The most common amenities of office spaces in Puente de Vallecas are air conditioning, security systems, garage parking, fire detection system and bathrooms

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Puente de Vallecas


Puente de Vallecas

Prices and m2 available of office for rent in Puente de Vallecas

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Puente de Vallecas10.5011.4815.003,230
City of Madrid3.5316.90105.071,304,530
Ciudad Lineal5.9117.6725.0086,465
Fuencarral - El Pardo6.4216.1033.00181,281
San Blas - Canillejas3.5312.9317.75213,329
Moncloa - Aravaca8.5011.6727.7126,135
La Latina10.0010.6522.001,640
Villa de Vallecas4.527.6318.2722,660

Demographic, economic and property data in Puente de Vallecas

Nº inhabitants by age range in Puente de Vallecas
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density16,124.172,176.4410,719.033,228.70
Average age of inhabitants in Puente de Vallecas
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Puente de Vallecas
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies23,085

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Puente de Vallecas

Puente de Vallecas's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Puente de Vallecas an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Puente de Vallecas
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus30
Interurban bus12
Suburban train2

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Puente de Vallecas

Commercial areas in Puente de Vallecas
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. Madrid SurShopping CentreAvenida Pablo Neruda, 91
Carrefour Madrid SurHypermarketAvenida de Pablo Neruda, 91-97
Alcampo VallecasHypermarketCalle Monleón, s/n
Mercado Municipal Mediodía - EntrevíasFood marketCalle Benamejí c/v Campiña
Mercado Municipal de NumanciaFood marketCalle Josefa Díaz, 4
C.C. AlbuferaShopping CentreAvenida Albufera, 153
Mercado Municipal de Doña CarlotaFood marketCalle Doctor Lozano, 16
Mercado Municipal de Puente de VallecasFood marketPlaza Martínez de la Riva, 4

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Puente de Vallecas

Air quality in Puente de Vallecas
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good448851.23 %
Good315636.03 %
Ordinary5896.72 %
Bad4865.55 %
Very bad310.35 %
Toxic70.08 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Cerro del Tío Pío Park

  • Entrevías
  • San Diego
  • Palomeras Bajas
  • Palomeras Sureste
  • Portazgo
  • Numancia

Puente de Vallecas district covers an area of 1,489.14 hectares and is located to the southeast of Madrid.

It is one of the most populated areas of the capital. It borders to the east with Villa de Vallecas, separated from it by Avenida de la Democracia, the Madrid - Zaragoza railway line and the M-40; to the north with Moratalaz, separated by the A3; to the west with Retiro and Arganzuela, separated by the M30 and to the southeast with Usera, separated by the River Manzanares.

Cerro del Tío Pío Park is located in Puente de Vallecas District, and is one of Madrid’s viewpoints and one of the most popular green areas in the southern part of the city.

Cerro del Tío Pío Park

Discover Puente de Vallecas

Lope de Vega Cultural Centre
Lope de Vega Cultural Centre
Madrid Transport Centre
Madrid Transport Centre
Entrevías Station
Entrevías Station
Santa Eugenia Station
Santa Eugenia Station
Mercamadrid Market
Mercamadrid Market
11-M Victims Memorial Monument
11-M Victims Memorial Monument

Information about Puente de Vallecas

Origins of Puente de Vallecas

Vallecas village had been independent until it was annexed to Madrid in 1950. Puente de Vallecas District was created later on, during reconstruction in 1987 when Vallecas District was divided into two parts: Villa de Vallecas and Puente de Vallecas.

The Puente de Vallecas metro was built in 1924 giving rise to expansion of the district, which reached its peak in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and was inhabited by a large migrant population.

The Puente neighbourhood and Doña Carlota quarter appeared at the end of the 19th century. An agricultural area, the housing consisted of simple one floor houses with small vegetable plots.

It is now mainly a residential and commercial area, although it still holds onto its craftwork industry.

Culture in Puente de Vallecas
  • Paco Rabal Cultural Centre
  • Aula de Aire Libre Sociocultural Centre
  • Alberto Sánchez Sociocultural Centre
  • Pozo del Tío Raimundo Cultural Centre
  • Talleres de Creatividad Sociocultural Centre
  • Lope de Vega Cultural Centre
Parks in Puente de Vallecas

The following municipal parks are particularly noteworthy:

  • Bulevar de Peña Gorbea Gardens
  • Azorín Park
  • Campo de la Paloma Park
  • Cerro del Tío Pío Park
  • Entrevías Forest Park
  • Entrevías Urban Park
  • La Viña Park
  • Lineal de Palomeras Park
  • Payaso Fofó Park
  • Soto de Entrevías Park
  • Amos de Acero Park
Restaurants in Puente de Vallecas

Some of the restaurants in Puente de Vallecas are as follows: Callao24 by Jhosef Arias, Casa Doli, Las 3 RRR, Taberna La María, Il Bambino, Tío Aquilino, Cruz Blanca de Vallecas…

The municipal markets in the district are: Numancia Municipal Market, Puente de Vallecas Municipal Market, Doña Carlota Municipal Market and Mediodía – Entrevías Municipal Market.