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Offices for sale in Ciudad Lineal with raised floor


1 office for sale in Ciudad Lineal

  • Calle Arte Ciudad Lineal Madrid 28033 Office for sale

    Office for sale at Calle Arte, Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, 28033 with building, sky, cloud, plant, skyscraper, tower, tower block, tree, street light and urban design around
    1 month ago
    160 m2
    Floor 3
    525,000 €
    3,281 €/m2
    Office for sale in an office Building
    • Wide and versatile
    • Consolidated area with all services
    • Good communications

    Large, outdoor and bright offices.

    They are practically diaphanous. It has a large work room, office and office.

    Orientation East.

    There is the possibility of having parking on an optional basis.

    It is well connected by public transport. It is close to a Metro stop and several urban bus lines stop nearby.

    By road, it has easy access to the M-30, A-1 and M-12.

    Profitable sales.

    • Lifts
    • Commissionaire service
    • Service lift
    • Reception
    • Raised Floor
    • Suspended ceiling
    • Kitchen Facilities
    • Extinguishers
    • Emergency lighting
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Suspended ceiling
    • Common Parts Wc Facilities
    • Air Conditioning
    • Air Conditioning Channel Cold/Heat
    • Exterior office
    • Parking
    • Integral lighting
    • In profitability
Showing 1 of 1 results

1 offices for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal, Madrid

There are 1 office space with raised floor for sale in Ciudad Lineal. The total office space with raised floor for sale in Ciudad Lineal is 160 sqm.

The average price of office spaces with raised floor for sale is €525,000, €3,281 per square metre.

Search office spaces for sale in Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, we have 10 office spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for offices for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal

What is the average price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The average price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal is €525,000

What is the lowest price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The lowest price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal is €525,000

What is the highest price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The highest price of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal is €525,000

What is the average price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The average price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor is €3,281

What is the lowest price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The lowest price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor is €3,281

What is the highest price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor in Ciudad Lineal?

The highest price per sqm of office spaces for sale with raised floor is €3,281

What are the most common amenities of office spaces in Ciudad Lineal?

The most common amenities of office spaces in Ciudad Lineal are technical floors, false ceilings, 24-hour surveillance, air conditioning, garage parking, brightness, security systems and bathrooms

Ciudad Lineal


Ciudad Lineal

Prices and m2 available of office for sale in Ciudad Lineal

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Ciudad Lineal3,2813,2813,281160
City of Madrid262,80015,126142,949
Moncloa - Aravaca2,1564,1585,4796,714
La Latina2,3442,5662,778235
Fuencarral - El Pardo1,3241,9982,8478,547
Villa de Vallecas6821,7161,94812,493
San Blas - Canillejas261,3565,37348,117
Puente de Vallecas8911,3461,771946

Featured areas for office rental and sales in Ciudad Lineal

There is plenty of supply and demand for office space for rent and sale in Ciudad Lineal where business activity mostly takes place around the A-2 highway at Avenida de América Business Park.

Facing the M-30 there are several office buildings such as Edificio Los Cubos, in Calle Albacete; Edificio MV 49 Business Park, in Calle Martínez Villergas, and Martínez Villergas 52 on the same street.

The Torrre Rioja buildings are located on Avenida de América: Avenida de América 79, Avenida de América 81, the headquarters of BNP Paribas and Axa Seguros, respectively. There are also other notable office buildings near this area: Ramírez de Arellano 15, Ramírez de Arellano 21, Ramírez de Arellano 35.

There is also relevant business activity at the start of Calle Josefa Valcárcel, which continues into the neighbouring San Blas - Canillejas district, the headquarters of some major corporations. Other relevant streets in the district are Calle Arturo Soria and Calle Alcalá, among others.

The businesses that have established in Ciudad Lineal are Iberia, Allianz Seguros, LaLiga, Sacyr, El Economista and Alstom, just to name some.

Demographic, economic and property data in Ciudad Lineal

Nº inhabitants by age range in Ciudad Lineal
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density19,400.422,399.0212,205.634,795.77
Average age of inhabitants in Ciudad Lineal
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Ciudad Lineal
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies12,320

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Ciudad Lineal

Ciudad Lineal's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Ciudad Lineal an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Ciudad Lineal
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus43
Interurban bus19
Nodes of transport2

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Ciudad Lineal

Commercial areas in Ciudad Lineal
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. Alcalá NorteShopping CentreCalle Alcalá 414
Mercado Municipal de VentasFood marketCalle Virgen de la Alegría, 10
Mercado Municipal de San PascualFood marketCalle Virgen del Val, 9
C.C. Arturo Soria PlazaShopping CentreCalle Arturo Soria, 126
Mercado Municipal de BamiFood marketPlaza de Bami, s/n

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Ciudad Lineal

Air quality in Ciudad Lineal
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good160518.32 %
Good617970.54 %
Ordinary7468.52 %
Bad2162.47 %
Very bad00.00 %
Toxic00.00 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

The Arturo Soria Project

  • Ventas
  • Pueblo Nuevo
  • Quintana
  • Concepción
  • San Pascual
  • San Juan Bautista
  • Colina
  • Atalaya
  • Costillares

Ciudad Lineal district covers an area of 1,136.36 hectares and includes the quarters Ventas, Pueblo Nuevo, Quintana, Concepción, San Pascual, San Juan Bautista, Colina, Atalaya and Costillares.

Nuestra Señora de la Almudena cemetery is located in this district, the main cemetery in the city. It is the biggest cemetery in Madrid, and one of the largest in Western Europe, covering over 120 hectares of pantheons, chapels and monuments of enormous artistic value. The mortal remains of historical characters such as Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, Pío Baroja, Benito Pérez Galdós and others have been laid to rest here.

The Arturo Soria Project

Discover Ciudad Lineal

Ciudad Lineal Business Area
Ciudad Lineal Business Area
Las Ventas Market
Las Ventas Market
Metro Ciudad Lineal
Metro Ciudad Lineal
Plaza de Las Ventas
Plaza de Las Ventas
Plaza José Banús
Plaza José Banús

Information about Ciudad Lineal

The origins of Ciudad Lineal

Arturo Soria y Mata published the Ciudad Lineal Project in 1892, on which he had been working for 10 years. The aim of the plan was to surround the outskirts of the capital and join it to the towns that had been annexed between 1948 and 1984: Canillas, Chamartín and Hortaleza, among others.

An elongated town built on both sides of a street or central avenue 40 metres wide, with housing on both sides. The idea obeyed the slogan: “For each family, a home. In each home, a vegetable patch and garden”. Soria put forward the idea of linear construction, joining two towns with buildings that changed the urban approach.

The project obeyed the new ideals of the time, since from the second half of the 19th century, sociologists, doctors, hygienists and writers had been denouncing the serious deficiencies of industrial cities. Therefore, the ideal sought to reinsert nature, combining countryside and city. The aim was to achieve some of the proposals of the plan by Arturo Soria, such as isolating houses within their gardens, limiting the height of buildings and the distances between houses and the street, etc.

In 1894 the Madrid Urbanisation Company was incorporated to build in the Ciudad Lineal area, although it was dissolved shortly afterwards due to a lack of resources. The crisis affected many workers at the time, and the project was suspended following the death of Arturo Soria, and completely abandoned due to the Civil War.

The subsequent modifications somewhat perverted the project, and only a few of the original detached houses remain in the area between Avenida de América and the Aragon Highway.

Among the more recent buildings, the Eduardo Torroja, Club de Stella and the detached houses designed by the architects Coderch and Valls in 1958 stand out.

Culture in Ciudad Lineal
  • African Museum
  • Siena Sociocultural Centre
  • Islamic Cultural Centre. Madrid Mosque
  • Ciudad Lineal Sociocultural Centre
  • Carmen Laforet Auditorium
  • Joaquín Turina Music Centre
  • Outdoor Auditorium. Calero Park
  • Príncipe de Asturias Cultural Centre
  • San Juan Bautista Cultural Centre
  • La Elipa Cultural Centre
Restaurants in Ciudad Lineal

There is a wide choice of restaurants in Ciudad Lineal, some of which are: Betelu, El Pitaco, Los Cedros, Brexas, La Lanzada, La Valenciana, Urkiola Mendi, Jaizkibel…

The markets in the district are: Bami Municipal Market, San Pascual Municipal Market and Las Ventas Municipal Market.

Parks in Ciudad Lineal
  • Antonio Pirala Park
  • El Calero Park
  • El Cedral Park
  • Pinar de la Elipa Park
  • Salvador de Madariaga Park
  • San Juan Bautista Park
  • Arriaga Park
  • Malmoe Park
  • La Almudena Park
  • Los Tilos Park