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Offices for rent in Aranjuez with parking


1 office for rent in Aranjuez

  • Calle Patrimonio Mundial Aranjuez Madrid 28300 Office for rent

    Office for rent at Calle Patrimonio Mundial, Aranjuez, Madrid, 28300 with car, building, wheel, sky, vehicle, tire, property, plant, window and tree around
    4 days ago
    96 m2
    Floor 1
    490 €/mo
    5.10 €/m2/mo
    Office for rent in an office Building
    • Located in a business and business center
    • Open space and open plan interior
    • Area with good service facilities around

    Fantastic 96 m2 office for rent located in the La Montaña Business Center, Aranjuez.

    The space is located on the first floor of an office building with restaurant and retail spaces inside. It is completely open plan and includes its own bathroom. The office is outside and has plenty of natural light.

    Area with all kinds of services at hand (supermarket on the ground floor of the building, Hospital de Tajo a few minutes away, bars and restaurants nearby, etc.) and quick access to the M-305 road.

    • Commissionaire service
    • Reception
    • Toilets
    • Natural Light - Good
    • Exterior office
    • Heating
    • Integral lighting
    • Parking
    • Hot water
    • Bus stop
    • High ceilings
Showing 1 of 1 results

1 offices for rent with parking in Aranjuez, Madrid Province

There are 1 office space with parking for rent in Aranjuez. The total office space with parking for rent in Aranjuez is 96 sqm.

The average price of office spaces with parking for rent is €490 per month, €5.10 per square metre per month.

Search office spaces for rent in Aranjuez, Madrid, we have 3 office spaces available. Find your new space on Belbex, a leading real estate web site in Madrid.

The real estate market for offices for rent with parking in Aranjuez

What is the average price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The average price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez is €490 per month

What is the lowest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The lowest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez is €490 per month

What is the highest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The highest price of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez is €490 per month

What is the average price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The average price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €5.10 per month

What is the lowest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The lowest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €5.10 per month

What is the highest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking in Aranjuez?

The highest price per sqm of office spaces for rent with parking is €5.10 per month

What are the most common amenities of office spaces in Aranjuez?

The most common amenities of office spaces in Aranjuez are air conditioning, security systems, garage parking, fire detection system and bathrooms


Madrid Province


Prices and m2 available of office for rent in Aranjuez

Euros/m2MinAvg.Maxavailable m2
Madrid province3.0014.54105.071,877,319
City of Madrid3.5316.90105.071,304,530
Pozuelo de Alarcón9.0016.7117.5033,816
Las Rozas de Madrid5.609.9326.3385,779
Alcalá de Henares5.568.8723.444,494
San Sebastián de los Reyes3.927.4315.0075,073
Torrejón de Ardoz5.096.6112.932,064

Demographic, economic and property data in Aranjuez

Nº inhabitants by age range in Aranjuez
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density311.4858.54202.4250.52
Average age of inhabitants in Aranjuez
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Aranjuez
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies3,430

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Aranjuez

Aranjuez's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Aranjuez an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Aranjuez
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus4
Interurban bus4
Suburban train1

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Aranjuez

Commercial areas in Aranjuez
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
Mercado de Abastos de AranjuezFood marketPlaza de la Constitución, s/n
E.Lecrerc AranjuezHypermarketPº del Deleite, 13
C.C. E. Leclerc AranjuezShopping CentrePaseo Deleite, s/n

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Aranjuez

Air quality in Aranjuez
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good222625.41 %
Good493356.31 %
Ordinary129014.73 %
Bad2883.29 %
Very bad80.09 %
Toxic00.00 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Royal Site and Villa de Aranjuez

Aranjuez is located to the south of the Region of Madrid and has been one of the Crown’s Royal Sites since Felipe II named it such in 1560, in addition to having the status of Villa since 1899.

The historical centre of Aranjuez was listed an Historical Artistic Ensemble in 1983 and in 2001 it was declared a World Heritage Site.

Royal Site and Villa de Aranjuez

Discover Aranjuez

Fountain of Hercules and Antaeus
Fountain of Hercules and Antaeus
Aranjuez station
Aranjuez station
Royal Palace of Aranjuez
Royal Palace of Aranjuez
Jardín del Príncipe
Jardín del Príncipe
San Antonio Church
San Antonio Church
Tagus River
Tagus River

Information about Aranjuez

The Origins of Aranjuez

Archaeological remains dating back to the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages have been found in Aranjuez, probably from hunting and farming settlers. Moreover, it is known from different documents that there has been a settlement here since Roman times.

In 1171 Alfonso VIII placed this frontier area under the domain of the Royal Order of Santiago. Aranjuez was definitively conquered in 1178 to become the residence of the Grand Masters of the Order, who spent long periods of retreat there, which would later take place at the Royal Palace, and consequently the Cross of Santiago (St. James Cross) forms part of the Aranjuez coat of arms.

King Alfonso VIII granted Oreja Castle to the Order of Santiago, in the name of its founder Rodrigo Fernández de Fuente Encalada.

In 1523 the Dehesa de Aranjuez became Royal property, since it was a part of King Carlos I’s estate and he converted it in a place for leisure and hunting. Felipe II named Aranjuez a Royal Site in 1560. It was decided to build a palace in Aranjuez in 1561 under the supervision of Juan Bautista de Toledo and the Royal Site was exclusively for use by the monarchs. The following monarchs continued Felipe II's work and designed Aranjuez to their tastes.

It was the Borbons who gave Aranjuez the boost to convert it in a place for courtiers. Feliple V was the first of the Borbons to settle there. The Royal Palace was extended, and the original Maestral Palace was demolished. Seven hundred families established in Aranjuez at the King’s service.

Fernando VI allowed free settlement by settlers. In 1747 development of the town began with contributions by Sabatini and Juan de Villanueva.

In 1984 it was declared an Historical Artistic Ensemble.

King Carlos III gave it a final boost with renovations and additions.

Carlos IV built fountains, the Labrador House, Chinescos, Casa de Marinos, Casa de Infantes, Godoy Palace and the Dukes of Medinaceli Palace. This brought an end to the golden age of the Royal Site because of the difficult situation Aranjuez was in due to poor administration and lack of profitability of the royal properties. This led to an unpopular reform of the Government's by-laws.

In 1801 the Treaty of Aranjuez was signed.

In 1808 the Aranjuez Mutiny took place.

In 1899 it was granted the status of Villa, and since then it is known as the Royal Site and Villa of Aranjuez.

In 2001 Aranjuez was listed a Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Culture in Aranjuez
  • Royal Palace
  • Labrador House
  • Falúas Museum
  • Bullfighting Museum
Restaurants in Aranjuez

Some of Aranjuez’s restaurants are as follows: Casa José, Carême, Casa Pablo, Aguatinta…

Parks and gardens in Aranjuez
  • Jardín de la Isla
  • Jardín del Parterre
  • Jardín del Rey
  • Jardín de Isabel II
  • Jardín del Príncipe