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Cheap land for sale in Madrid Province


164 lands for sale in Madrid Province

  • Calle Andrés Cabrera, 9 Chinchón Madrid 28370 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle Andrés Cabrera, 9, Chinchón, Madrid, 28370 with plant, sky, plant community, road surface, land lot, vegetation, tree, asphalt, grass and shade around
    3 months ago
    892 m2 plot
    60,000 €
    Land for sale - Residential
    • Ample
    • Residential Expansion Zone
    • Regular shape

    Land for residential use in the expansion zone of Chinchón.

    It allows the construction of 2 houses.

    It has 892 m2 whose maximum floor occupancy is 80%.

    It is allowed to build up to 2 floors high.

    The floor is comfortable when it is flat, with little need to introduce machines to flatle the base.

  • Calle Molino Viejo, 2 Guadalix de la Sierra Madrid 28794 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle Molino Viejo, 2, Guadalix de la Sierra, Madrid, 28794 with map, infrastructure, land lot, urban design, world, parallel, schematic, plan, slope and font around 3 months ago
    3,777 m2 plot
    600,000 €
    Land for sale - Residential
    • Large residential land
    • Suitable for single-family homes
    • Privileged area

    Urban land with large residential use.

    Suitable for the promotion of several single-family homes.

    The best land available to build in Guadalix and one of the best in this area of the Madrid mountains.

    Located in a privileged way together with the urban area, a central area with all the main services and shops of the surrounding town.

  • Calle San Mamés, 41 Villaverde Madrid 28021 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle San Mamés, 41, Villaverde, Madrid, 28021 with building, sky, land lot, asphalt, tree, road surface, urban design, street light, composite material and rectangle around
    3 months ago
    1,393 m2 buildable
    1,002 m2 plot
    160,000 €
    115 €/m2
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Consolidated industrial estate
    • Good location

    Industrial land available for sale in Villaverde, in the Polígono El Gato.

    It has an area of 1,001.63 m2 and a buildability of 1,393 m2.

    Excellent communications with very easy access to the M-45, M-402, A-42 and A-4.

  • Calle Cedena Colmenar de Oreja Madrid 28380 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle Cedena, Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid, 28380 with sky, plant, plant community, mountain, land lot, mountainous landforms, natural landscape, tree, road and landscape around
    3 months ago
    900 m2 plot
    65,000 €
    Land for sale - Residential
    • Building plot in El Balcón del Tajo
    • Unbeatable location next to recreational areas
    • Excellent communication with Madrid

    Plot of urban land with an approximate graphic area of 900 m2 and located in Cedena Street, in the Balcón del Tajo Urbanization, in the Madrid town of Colmenar de Oreja.

    It is a plot, located next to the common areas of the urbanization, which include a sports center, with paddle and football courts, as well as children's and recreational areas.

    Plot of rectangular plan, for single-family residential use, isolated grouped, with all connections of electricity, water and sanitation, and with a bui

Showing 161 - 164 of 164 results - Page 5 of 5

Madrid Province

Madrid Province

Prices and m2 available of land for sale in Madrid Province

Euros/m2Avg.available m2
Madrid province148,951,553
Torrejón de Ardoz1,0752,223
Pozuelo de Alarcón1,05813,246
Las Rozas de Madrid85363,927
City of Madrid605624,694
San Sebastián de los Reyes41216,926
Alcalá de Henares197394,308

Demographic, economic and property data in Madrid Province

Nº inhabitants by age range in Madrid province
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density837.40135.19546.11156.16
Average age of inhabitants in Madrid province
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Madrid province
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies350,295

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Madrid Province

Madrid Province's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Madrid Province an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Madrid province
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus337
Interurban bus229
Suburban train89
Nodes of transport17

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Madrid Province

Commercial areas in Madrid province
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
Parque Comercial ParqueSurCommercial ParkLeganés
Parque Comercial Plaza NuevaCommercial ParkLeganés
Parque Comercial Río NorteCommercial ParkAlcobendas
Parque Comercial Las RozasCommercial ParkRozas de Madrid (Las)
Parque Comercial Parla NaturaCommercial ParkParla
Parque Comercial MegaparkCommercial ParkAlcobendas
Parque Comercial NassicaCommercial ParkGetafe
Parque Comercial Parque OesteCommercial ParkAlcorcón
Parque Comercial EurópolisCommercial ParkRozas de Madrid (Las)
Parque Comercial Camino RealCommercial ParkSan Fernando de Henares
Parque Comercial AlegraCommercial ParkSan Sebastián de los Reyes
Parque Comercial El LuceroCommercial ParkAlcorcón
Parque Comercial El CarraleroCommercial ParkMajadahonda
Parque Comercial Rivas FuturaCommercial ParkRivas-Vaciamadrid
Parque Comercial AteneaCommercial ParkAlcalá de Henares
Parque Comercial La Dehesa - CuadernillosCommercial ParkAlcalá de Henares

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Madrid Province

Air quality in Madrid province
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good126114.39 %
Good611369.78 %
Ordinary110012.56 %
Bad2783.17 %
Very bad80.09 %
Toxic00.00 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Natural, cultural and business wealth

The Region of Madrid is one of the autonomous regions of Spain, located in the middle of the Central Plateau comprising an area of 8021.80 km2 and borders with the provinces of Guadalajara, Cuenca, Toledo, Ávila and Segovia.

It is home to an array of cultural and artistic heritage, and also three World Heritage Sites, namely the: Monastery and Site of El Escorial, University and Historic Precinct of Alcalá de Henares and the Aranjuez Cultural Landscape.

Natural, cultural and business wealth

Discover Madrid Province

Castillo de Los Mendoza in Manzanares El Real
Castillo de Los Mendoza in Manzanares El Real
Aranjuez Royal Palace
Aranjuez Royal Palace
Patones de Arriba
Patones de Arriba
Plaza Mayor de Chinchón
Plaza Mayor de Chinchón
Plaza de la Villa in Madrid
Plaza de la Villa in Madrid
San Lorenzo de El Escorial
San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Information on Madrid Province

Origins of Madrid Province

During the Roman era Madrid was only a transit town, although Complutum, now Alcalá de Henares, held a lot of power as the Episcopal Seat in the 5th century, and was the focal point of culture during the Spanish Golden Age.

During the invasion by the Moors, the centre "Magerit” (meaning “land rich in water” in Arabic) was established because of its strategic defensive location with regard to the passing of Christians to Toledo. During that period the city was overshadowed by other more important cities such as Cordoba and Toledo.

Around the middle of the 11th century, two centuries after the “Alcázar” (Fortress) was built, Madrid reached its climax of Islamic splendour. The market, located outside the fortress, acquired great fame.

In 1083 Alfonso VI and his soldiers took the small fortified city of Madrid, expelling the Moors, and the city therefore fell into Christian hands.

In 1123 Madrid became a “Villa”, and in 1561 Felipe II moved the Royal Court to Madrid. At that time construction began on buildings and monuments in the area, now known as “Madrid de los Austrias”.

Historical characters of Madrid Province

Many famous characters in history have been born in the province of Madrid: Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Quevedo, Gloria Fuertes, Tirso de Molina, Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, José Echegaray, Jacinto Benavente, Gregorio Marañón, José Ortega y Gasset, etc.

Townships in Madrid Province

The Region of Madrid is territorially arranged in 179 townships:

La Acebeda, Ajalvir, Alameda del Valle, El Álamo, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Alcorcón, Aldea del Fresno, Algete, Alpedrete, Ambite, Anchuelo, Aranjuez, Arganda del Rey, Arroyomolinos, El Atazar, Batres, Becerril de la Sierra, Belmonte de Tajo, El Berrueco, Berzosa del Lozoya, Boadilla del Monte, El Boalo, Braojos de la Sierra, Brea de Tajo, Brunete, Buitrago del Lozoya, Bustarviejo, Cabanillas de la Sierra, La Cabrera, Cadalso de los Vidrios, Camarma de Esteruelas, Campo Real, Canencia, Carabaña, Casarrubuelos, Cenicientos, Cercedilla, Cervera de Buitrago, Chapinería, Chinchón, Ciempozuelos, Cobeña, Collado Mediano, Collado Villalba, Colmenar de Oreja, Colmenar del Arroyo, Colmenar Viejo, Colmenarejo, Corpa, Coslada, Cubas de la Sagra, Daganzo de Arriba, El Escorial, Estremera, Fresnedillas de la Oliva, Fresno de Torote, Fuenlabrada, Fuente el Saz de Jarama, Fuentidueña de Tajo, Galapagar, Garganta de los Montes, Gargantilla del Lozoya y Pinilla de Buitrago, Gascones, Getafe, Griñón, Guadalix de la Sierra, Guadarrama, La Hiruela, Horcajo de la Sierra-Aoslos, Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Hoyo de Manzanares, Humanes de Madrid, Leganés, Loeches, Lozoya, Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias, Madarcos, Madrid, Majadahonda, Manzanares el Real, Meco, Mejorada del Campo, Miraflores de la Sierra, El Molar, Los Molinos, Montejo de la Sierra, Moraleja de En medio, Moralzarzal, Morata de Tajuña, Móstoles, Navacerrada, Navalafuente, Navalgamella, Navalcarnero, Navarredonda y San Mamés, Navas del Rey, Nuevo Baztán, Olmeda de las Fuentes, Orusco de Tajuña, Paracuellos de Jarama, Parla, Patones, Pedrezuela, Pelayos de la Presa, Perales de Tajuña, Pezuela de las Torres, Pinilla del Valle, Pinto, Piñuécar-Gandullas, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Pozuelo del Rey, Prádena del Rincón, Puebla de la Sierra, Puentes Viejas, Quijorna, Rascafría, Redueña, Ribatejada, Rivas- Vaciamadrid, Robledillo de la Jara, Robledo de Chavela, Robregordo, Las Rozas de Madrid, Rozas de Puerto Real, San Agustín de Guadalix, San Fernando de Henares, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, San Martín de la Vega, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Santa María de la Alameda, Santorcaz, Los Santos de la Humosa, La Serna del Monte, Serranillos del Valle, Sevilla la Nueva, Somosierra, Soto del Real, Talamanca de Jarama, Tielmes, Titulcia, Torrejón de Ardoz, Torrejón de la Calzada, Torrejón de Velasco, Torrelaguna, Torrelodones, Torremocha de Jarama, Torres de la Alameda,Tres Cantos, Valdaracete, Valdeavero, Valdelaguna, Valdemanco, Valdemaqueda, Valdemorillo, Valdemoro, Valdeolmos-Alalpardo, Valdepiélagos, Valdetorres de Jarama, Valdilecha, Valverde de Alcalá, Velilla de San Antonio, El Vellón, Venturada, Villa del Prado, Villaconejos, Villalbilla, Villamanrique de Tajo, Villamanta, Villamantilla, Villanueva de la Cañada, Villanueva de Perales, Villanueva del Pardillo, Villar del Olmo, Villarejo de Salvanés, Villaviciosa de Odón, Villavieja del Lozoya and Zarzalejo.

In turn, Madrid is divided into 21 districts, which in turn are sub-divided into quarters:

  • Center: Palacio, Embajadores, Cortes, Justicia, Universidad and Sol.
  • Arganzuela: Imperial, Acacias, La Chopera, Legazpi, Delicias, Palos de Moguer and Atocha.
  • Retiro: Pacífico, Adelfas, Estrella, Ibiza, Jerónimos and Niño Jesús.
  • Salamanca: Recoletos, Goya, Fuente del Berro, Guindalera, Lista and Castellana.
  • Chamartin: El Viso, Prosperidad, Ciudad Jardín, Hispanoamérica, Nueva España and Castilla.
  • Tetuán: Bellas Vistas, Cuatro Caminos, Castillejos, Almenara, Valdeacederas and Berruguete.
  • Chamberí: Gaztambide, Arapiles, Trafalgar, Almagro, Ríos Rosas and Vallehermoso.
  • Fuencarral - El Pardo: El Pardo, Fuentelarreina, Peñagrande, Barrio del Pilar, La Paz, Valverde, Mirasierra and El Goloso.
  • Moncloa - Aravaca: Casa de Campo, Argüelles, Ciudad Universitaria, Valdezarza, Valdemarín, El Plantío and Aravaca.
  • Latina: Los Cármenes, Puerta del Ángel, Lucero, Aluche, Campamento, Cuatro Vientos and Las Águilas.
  • Carabanchel: Comillas, Opañel, San Isidro, Vista Alegre, Puerta Bonita, Buenavista and Abrantes.
  • Usera:Orcasitas, Orcasur, San Fermín, Almendrales, Moscardó, El Zofío and Pradolongo.
  • Puente de Vallecas: Entrevías, San Diego, Palomeras Bajas, Palomeras Sureste, Portazgo and Numancia.
  • Moratalaz: Pavones, Horcajo, Marroquina, Media Legua, Fontarrón and Vinateros.
  • Ciudad Lineal: Ventas, Pueblo Nuevo, Quintana, La Concepción, San Pascual, San Juan Bautista, Colina, Atalaya and Costillares.
  • Hortaleza: Palomas, Piovera, Canillas, Pinar del Rey, Apóstol Santiago and Valdefuentes.
  • Villaverde: San Andrés, San Cristóbal, Butarque, Los Rosales and Los Ángeles.
  • Villa de Vallecas: Casco Histórico de Vallecas, Santa Eugenia and Ensanche de Vallecas.
  • Vicálvaro: Casco Histórico de Vicálvaro, Valdebernardo, Valderrivas and El Cañaveral.
  • San Blas - Canillejas: Simancas, Hellín, Amposta, Arcos, Rosas, Rejas, Canillejas and Salvador.
  • Barajas: Alameda de Osuna, Aeropuerto, Casco Histórico de Barajas, Timón and Corralejos.
  • Nature in Madrid Province

    There are nine protected nature reserves in Madrid Province:

    • Sierra de Guadarrama National Park
    • Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park
    • Cursos Bajos de los ríos Manzanares y Jarama Regional Park
    • Curso Medio del río Guadarrama and surrounding area Regional Park
    • Pinar de Abantos and Zona de la Herrera Picturesque Landscape
    • El Regajal-Mar de Ontígola Nature Reserve
    • Hayedo de Montejo de la Sierra Natural Site of National Interest
    • Laguna de San Juan Wildlife Reserve
    • Peña del Arcipreste de Hita Natural Monument of National Interest

    Peaks over 2200 metros high in Madrid Province:

    • Peñalara
    • Cabezas de Hierro
    • Cerro de Valdemartín
    • Bola del Mundo
    • Asómate de Hoyos
    • La Maliciosa
    • El Nevero
    Communications in Madrid Province
    • Metro: Route covering 294 kilometres and 301 stations. It is the third biggest Metro network in Europe in terms of kilometres, behind London and Moscow, and is one of the fastest ways of travelling around the city.
    • Buses: A fleet of 2000 buses serve over more than 200 route lines. Moreover, the inter-urban buses operate 19,065 km on 324 lines.
    • Local Railway: The local suburban railway network connects different parts of the city and towns within the Region of Madrid.
    • E-bikes: BiciMAD is the ideal choice for short trips around the city centre.
    • Shared electric vehicles: There are several companies who operate in Madrid with a fleet of electric cars, motorbikes and scooters.
    Museums in Madrid Province


    • Platform 0 Museum - Plaza de Chamberí
    • Lope de Vega House Museum - Calle Cervantes, 11
    • ABC Drawing and Illustration Museum - Calle Amaniel, 29
    • Air Museum - A5, km 10,500
    • América Museum - Avenida Reyes Católicos, 6
    • National Archaeology Museum - Calle Serrano, 13
    • Contemporary Art Museum - Calle Conde Duque, 9
    • Public Art Museum - Paseo de la Castellana, 40
    • Casa de la Moneda (Mint) Museum - Calle Doctor Esquerdo, 36
    • Cerralbo Museum - Calle Ventura Rodríguez, 17
    • Wax Museum - Paseo de Recoletos, 41
    • Railway Museum - Paseo de las Delicias, 61
    • Mining Museum - Calle Ríos Rosas, 23
    • Madrid History Museum - Calle Fuencarral, 78
    • Museum / C.AV. La Neomudéjar - Calle Antonio Nebrija s/n
    • Lázaro Galdiano Museum - Calle Serrano, 122
    • National Anthropology Museum - Calle Alfonso XII, 68
    • National Natural Sciences Museum - Calle José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2
    • National Romanticism Museum - Calle San Mateo, 13
    • San Isidro Museum - Plaza de San Andrés, 2
    • Sorolla Museum - Paseo General Martínez Campos, 37
    • Prado Museum - Paseo del Prado, s/n
    • Queen Sofía National Arts Centre Museum - Calle Santa Isabel, 52
    • Traditional Dress Museum - Avenida Juan de Herrera, 2
    • Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum - Paseo del Prado, 8
    • CaixaForum - Paseo del Prado, 36
    • San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts - Calle de Alcalá, 13
    • National Decorative Arts Museum - Calle de Montalbán, 12
    • Naval Museum - Paseo del Prado, 5
    • Madrid Bullfighting Museum - Calle de Alcalá, 237
    • Spanish Aeronautical and Astronautical Museum - A5, km 10.7
    • Channel Art Exhibition Center - Paseo de la Castellana, 214
    • Carlos III Institute - Juan March - Calle de Castelló, 77
    • La Almudena Cathedral Museum - Plaza de la Almudena
    • Matadero Madrid - Paseo de la Chopera, 14
    • Typhological Museum - Calle Coruña, 18

    Madrid Province:

    • Regional Archaeology Museum - Alcalá de Henares
    • Cervantes Birthplace Museum - Alcalá de Henares
    • Picasso Museum - Buitrago del Lozoya
    • Lunar Museum - Fresnedillas de la Oliva
    • Film Museum - Villarejo de Salvanés
    • Wine Museum - Navalcarnero
    • Ulpiano Checa Museum - Oreja
    • Icon Museum - Casa Grande - Torrejón de Ardoz
    • Royal Riverboat Museum - Aranjuez
    • “Cocheras del Rey” History Museum - San Lorenzo de El Escorial
    • Atazar Reservoir Museum - El Berrueco
    • Insect Park - San Lorenzo de El Escorial
    Restaurants in Madrid Province

    Gastronomy in Madrid is one of the tourist attractions of the Region. Traditional set meals, varied tasting meals, Michelin star restaurants and choices for all tastes. Some of the most noteworthy restaurants in the Region of Madrid are listed as follows:

    Parador de Alcalá de Henares, Casa Pablo, La Máquina de la Moraleja, Las Cuevas del Vino, El Cenador de Salvador, Horno de Asar Paco, Hostería de las Monjas, El Portillón, Palacio del Negralejo, Los Cerezos, Ad Libitum, El Roble, El Convento y El Bodegón, Azaya, El Poleo, Jiménez, Coque, Casa José, Chirón, La Fontanilla, El Mesón de Doña Filo, Urrechu, La Taberna de Elía, Charolés, Montia, El Candil de Rascafría, Hostería del Estudiante, Garnacha, La Chimenea, El Rincón de Luis, El Pradal, DiverXo, Mi Zaguán, Sergi Arola Gastro, Ramón Freixa, Ars Vivendi, El Qüenco de Pepa, El Trasgu, Alabaster, Kabuki Wellington, DSTAgE, La Terraza del Casino, Santceloni, El Club Allard, El Invernadero, Gaytán, A’Barra, Lúa, La Cabra, Punto MX, Montia, Álbora…

    There are also some traditional marketplaces that have been renovated and adapted to provide gastronomy services, serving meals and also the possibility of buying produce, many of which serve gourmet food. Some of these former markets in the city of Madrid are as follows:

    • San Antón Market
    • San Fernando Market
    • San Ildefonso Market
    • San Miguel Market
    • La Paz Market
    • Antón Martín Market
    • Chamberí Market
    • Vallehermoso Market
    • Platea Madrid