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Cheap land for sale in Arganda del Rey


5 lands for sale in Arganda del Rey

  • Calle Cabo Trafalgar Arganda del Rey Madrid 28500 Land for sale

    Land for sale & for rent at Calle Cabo Trafalgar, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, 28500 with house, sky, plant, natural landscape, twig, wood, branch, vegetation, land lot and road surface around
    1 week ago
    5,599 m2 plot
    895,840 €
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Consolidated business area
    • Multiple possibilities
    • Good communications

    Ref: 11.136

    Industrial land available in the Borondo Industrial Park.

    It allows a buildability of 12.5 m. height in 3 floors above ground.

    It is a consolidated business area of Arganda del Rey with good communications and many possibilities.

  • Camino Estrechillo Arganda del Rey Madrid 28500 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Camino Estrechillo, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, 28500 with car, street light, automotive parking light, cloud, sky, vehicle, tire, wheel, automotive side-view mirror and hood around
    1 week ago
    5,671 m2 buildable
    10,310 m2 plot
    1,600,000 €
    282 €/m2
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Consolidated industrial zone
    • Good communications
    • Versatile shape with direct entrance from the street

    Ref.: 10219

    Plot of 10,310 m2 located in the Arganda del Rey Industrial Estate.

    It is fully fenced and contains buildings totaling 1,925 m2.

    Its buildability is 55% and it has a privileged location, in a consolidated and very well connected industrial area.

  • Calle Tungsteno Arganda del Rey Madrid 28500 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle Tungsteno, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, 28500 with building, sky, plant, cloud, residential area, asphalt, landscape, city, gas and facade around
    1 week ago
    654 m2 plot
    107,000 €
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Dynamic business area
    • Multiple possibilities
    • Good communications

    Land for industrial use located in the Las Monjas Industrial Estate.

    The applicable urban standard determines the need for a minimum plot of 500 m2, front setback of 7.5 m., rear setback of 5 m., minimum plot front of 12 m., maximum plot occupancy of 50%, buildable with maximum height of 10.5 m and maximum number of floors of 2.

  • Calle Vereda del Guijar, 22 Arganda del Rey Madrid 28500 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Calle Vereda del Guijar, 22, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, 28500 with sky, plant, tree, natural landscape, land lot, road surface, asphalt, plain, landscape and grass around
    1 month ago
    7,389 m2 buildable
    10,262 m2 plot
    1,151,900 €
    156 €/m2
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Consolidated industrial zone
    • Great buildability
    • Many meters of facade to the street

    Reference: 00509488.

    Finalist plot of land located in the El Guijar industrial estate, in the town of Arganda del Rey (Madrid), in an area with good communications and easy access from highways R-3 and A-3.

    The land has an area of 10,262 m2 and allows a maximum buildable area of 7388.64 m2. It has many linear meters of façade to different streets.

  • Avenida Ejército Arganda del Rey Madrid 28500 Land for sale

    Land for sale at Avenida Ejército, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, 28500 with building, sky, tree, fence, window, facade, plant, cloud, home fencing and house around
    3 months ago
    15,300 m2 plot
    2,500,000 €
    Land for sale - Industrial
    • Set of four plots with different uses
    • Possibility of a residential development project
    • Excellent communication

    Plot of urban land with a graphic area of 15,300 m2, with different uses in the town of Arganda del Rey.

    Located next to the Arganda del Rey metro station, in the heart of the city and with easy access by road.

    The farm is composed of four cadastral references, one for industrial use of more than 1,400 m2 built and with 4 industrial warehouses, with access for trucks along Avenida del Ejercito 51 and 8,500 m2 of land classified as industrial.

    A plot for residential use, with a building of 500

Showing 5 of 5 results

5 cheap land for sale in Arganda del Rey, Madrid Province

There are 5 cheap land for sale in Arganda del Rey. The total cheap land for sale in Arganda del Rey is 42,125 sqm; the largest cheap land offered has 15,300 sqm.

The average price of cheap land for sale is €1,250,948. The lowest price is €107,000 and the highest price is €2,500,000. The average value per square meter of cheap land for sale is €148, with a minimum price of €156 and a maximum of €282.

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Arganda del Rey

Madrid Province

Arganda del Rey

Prices and m2 available of land for sale in Arganda del Rey

Euros/m2Avg.available m2
Arganda del Rey14842,125
Madrid province7512,658,274
Torrejón de Ardoz1,0752,223
Las Rozas de Madrid88664,232
Pozuelo de Alarcón80612,106
City of Madrid676563,771
San Sebastián de los Reyes39516,822
Alcalá de Henares188427,474

Demographic, economic and property data in Arganda del Rey

Nº inhabitants by age range in Arganda del Rey
# InhabitantsTotal< 1616-64> 64
Population density679.01133.61465.4979.91
Average age of inhabitants in Arganda del Rey
Age (Avg.)Years
Nº inhabitants by education level in Arganda del Rey
# InhabitantsTotal
No studies2,870

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Transport in Arganda del Rey

Arganda del Rey's commercial properties get benefited of the following transport means: Bus, underground, commuter train. It also counts with several nodes of transport that motivate the commercial activity, making of Arganda del Rey an atractive area for offices, retail, indutrial properties and ground.

Means of transport in Arganda del Rey
MeansNº of stops or stations
City bus3
Interurban bus10

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Points of interest in Arganda del Rey

Commercial areas in Arganda del Rey
Most relevant commercial areasTypeAddress
C.C. Zoco ArgandaShopping CentreCarretera Loeches, s/n
Mercado Municipal Arganda Del ReyFood marketCalle Tiendas, 10

Source: INE, Banco de datos de la CCAA de Madrid, Banco de datos del ayuntamiento de Madrid

Quality of life in Arganda del Rey

Air quality in Arganda del Rey
Air qualityNumber of hours per year%
Very good166819.04 %
Good526460.09 %
Ordinary114913.12 %
Bad5526.30 %
Very bad730.83 %
Toxic90.10 %

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Southeast Regional Park

Arganda del Rey is a town and municipal district in the Region of Madrid located 25 kilometres to the southeast of the capital city.

It borders to the north with Velilla de San Antonio; to the south with Morata de Tajuña; to the northeast and west with Rivas Vaciamadrid; to the southeast with San Martín de la Vega; to the northeast with Loeches; to the east with Campo Real; and to the southeast with Perales de Tajuña.

Almost half of its area belongs to the Regional Southeast Park, one of the largest environmental nature reserves in the Region of Madrid.

Southeast Regional Park

Discover Arganda del Rey

Arganda del Rey Town Hall
Arganda del Rey Town Hall
Bodega del Rey
Bodega del Rey
Optical Telegraph Tower
Optical Telegraph Tower
San Juan Bautista Church
San Juan Bautista Church
Laguna Madre
Laguna Madre
Radio Nacional de España
Radio Nacional de España

Information about Arganda del Rey

The origins of Arganda del Rey

The first occupants of Arganda del Rey were the Celtiberian people who occupied the region of Carpetania and Called the territory Arkanta, which means land of water. The land was occupied by the Romans from the 3rd century BC.

According to philologists, their name comes from Area Canda or white surface, owing to the colour of the soil with abundant lime.

The first stable settlements comprising what is Arganda del Rey today, date back to the 11th century following the Reconquest of Castile when Toledo was taken back in 1118 and the creation of Lordship of Alcalá to which Arganda, Vilches and Valtierra belonged. Years later, King Alfonso VII granted this Lordship to the Archbishop of Toledo.

In the height of the plague in the second half of the 13th century, the inhabitants abandoned Vilches and Valatierra and settled in what is now Arganda del Rey, thus establishing the first significant population.

Arganda belonged to the Archbishopric of Toledo until 1583 when Felipe II granted it the status of Crown Villa. This status remained until 1613 when it was acquired by the Duke of Lerma. This acquisition gave rise to the “Arganda Mutiny”, a movement caused by social discontent through losing the status of Crown Villa and falling under the Dukedom of Lerma.

In 1808 Arganda was invaded by French troops who destroyed and pillaged many of its buildings.

In the 19th century it underwent a period of economic growth acting as a communications nexus between Madrid and the Levant area, and therefore a lot of urban improvements were made and the railway was built.

Arganda underwent a period of economic growth, acting as a communications nexus between Madrid and the east coast, leading to improvements in the town and construction of the railway line in 1849, joining Madrid with Alocén in Guadalajara. The train provided services for passengers of the time and also for the La Azucarera sugar factory to transport its goods to the capital. The Optical Telegraphic Tower was also built as a part of the communications network between Madrid and Valencia.

In the early 20th century Arganda’s position as a nexus between the plateau and the east coast was reinforced with the construction of the Arganda Bridge in 1910, an iron construction to facilitate goods transport. The Battle of Jarama took place in the surrounding area, and many remains of it can still be seen in the town, such as Cerro Melero.

In the 60’s Arganda’s population underwent a boom thanks to the development and growth of its industrial estate.

Culture in Arganda del Rey
  • Arganda Train Station / Musuem
  • Cerro Melero (Civil War Museum)
  • Casa Cueva Museum
  • Pilar Miró Cultural Centre
  • Montserrat Caballé Auditorium
  • La Poveda Integrated Centre
  • Casa del Rey Cultural Centre
  • Wine Museum
  • City of Rock
Restaurants in Arganda del Rey

Some of the restaurants in Arganda del Rey are as follows: El Roble, El Duque, Asador Vitis…

Parks in Arganda del Rey
  • Las Lagunas de las Madres
  • Southeast Regional Park