Fantastic restaurant for rent located in the shopping center La Rotonda, Tres Cantos.
The premises has a floor area of 350 m2 and has a definitive license. It has a capacity for 150 people and is equipped with a large kitchen ideal for serving all kinds of events. It also has cold and freezing chambers and a dry storage area, and all its facilities are in perfect condition.
The shopping center is located in one of the main avenues of Tres Cantos, one of the most important cities in the Community of Madrid with the greatest urban and business development in the northern area in the last decade. The town has a high per capita income and is home to some of the most important companies in different sectors: Telefónica Audiovisual, Siemens, Laboratorios Normon, Bankinter Services, Glaxosmithline S.A., etc.
Two months deposit and six months of guarantees are required.